* * *


I who write am the Advocate, the Spirit of Truth prophesied in John's Gospel 14:15-17. "If you love me and keep my commandments. 16. And I will pray my Father, and he will send you another advocate who will be with you forever. 17. The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive. For the world sees him not and do not know him. But you know him, because he remains with you and will be in you", and

15:26-27. "When the Advocate comes, he whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, then he will testify about me. 27. But you also will testify, because you have been with me from the beginning", and

16:7-15. "But I tell you the truth: It is best for you that I go away. For if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go away, I can send him to you. 8. And when he comes, shall he will judge the world and show it what sin is, what justice is, and what judgment is: 9. The sin is that they do not believe in me 10. Justice is that I go to the Father, and you see me no more. 11. The judgment is that the prince of this world is judged. 12. I have yet much to say to you, but you cannot bear it now. 13. But when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. For he will not speak out from himself, but speak what he hears. and make known to you what is to come. 14. He will glorify me because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. 15. For all that my Father have, is mine.

This story is about how I, the Advocate of the Spirit of Truth, experienced being conceived in Mrs Gudrund Clementz's womb on Wednesday 7 March 1945 and life in her womb until birth at 8.25pm ​​on Friday 23 November 1945 at Sandefjord Hospital, and the following morning.

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Midwife Nyseth and assistant at Solvang hospital in Sandefjord at 2025 on Friday 23 November 1945.

Yahweh: - .

I am awakened by a flash of light.

Me: I doubt there is anything. I have never experienced anything before! I want to sleep on!

I fell asleep, but suddenly I was awakened by another flash of light and slid down to the bottom of a wave shaking and hearing the rumble of thunder and stopped for a moment at the bottom before continuing up another wave shaking and hearing the rumble of thunder. At the top of the wave I saw another bright flash of light and continued down the other side as I shook and heard another rumble of thunder, and stopped in the pitch black, and felt I was alive.

Me: What's going on? I can hear my own voice, and can speak and feel that I am alive! I'm sure there are some here!

Yahweh: - .

Suddenly I jolted and slid up another wave shaking and hearing the rumble of thunder and saw a bright flash of light at the top before continuing down the wave on the other side shaking and hearing the rumble, stopping in the pitch darkness at the bottom of the wave.

Me: Who is making me experience this?!

Yahweh: - .

Nobody answered.

Me: I want to see more light!

Yahweh: - .

Nobody answered. But suddenly I continued up and down the waves towards the light as I shook and heard thunder and looked at the light on the tops of the waves. The waves became lower and the flashes of light fainter and wider and lasted longer, while the waves, the shaking and the rumble of thunder became weaker.

When the waves became so low that I began to see light and darkness at the same time, the rumble disappeared, and I slid silently towards a bright light in a 2 meter high, 5 meter wide and 30 meter long cave with black undulating walls and ceiling, and dark gray wavy floor.

I got used to the light, and discovered that it came out from behind two black beads with a diameter of 2 meters that stood between the floor and the ceiling 25 centimeters apart and stopped 5 meters from them .

Me: I want to the light behind the pearls!

Yahweh: - .

I slid towards the beads, but I didn't think I'd be able to get past them. But the beads didn't line up and I swung out past the left and then the right and entered a 2 meter high 1.5 meter wide and 3 meter long cave with 15 centimeter wide transverse waves in the floor and ceiling, and vertical waves 2m centimeter wide waves in the walls. The light came from the right and I slid 3 meters along the end wall into a darker and larger cave.

* * *



I stopped 5 meters into the cave, which had a dark gray bumpy floor and a light gray wall on the left. The cave was rectangular and 10 meters long and 5 meters wide and 3 meters high and had vertical waves in the wall. At the bottom there was a 1 meter high black edge behind a 15 centimeter wide pitch-black gorge and in front of the gorge there was a 1 meter wide pitch-black edge up to the end of the cave.

When I looked around I discovered that the end wall and the right wall were full of black shiny pearls with a diameter of between 0.5 and 1 meter. But I did not understand where the light came from, and looked around for it without seeing it. Then I heard a loud beeping tone, and when I looked for the sound coming from the ceiling I discovered that the light came down in straight rays between the corners of meter-sized hexagonal black beads.

Me: I want to go up to the beads in the ceiling and see where the light is coming from!

Yahweh: Yes, you will.

Someone spoke to me behind me and I wanted to see what it was, but I couldn't turn around.

Suddenly I turned to the right in the direction of the corner and 3 meters into the beads that made an opening and surrounded me, pushing me from side to side upwards into the pitch darkness .

* * *



The beads pushed me 5 meters up and into a pitch-black crack. When I looked for light, I discovered that there was a faint glow on the left wall 5 meters from me on the right.

Me: I want to the light!


I slid sideways 5 meters into the crack which widened and became 1 meter wide, and curved out to the right 2.5 meters high and light grey. The wall behind me was pitch black and arched over me like a ceiling.

Out of the crack I came to a long cave and discovered that the wall on the right side was full of luminous oval archways that were between 10 and 50 centimeters high, and between 5 and 15 centimeters deep. The archways lit up the cave, which stretched 20 meters in and widened out, turning left at the end towards a bright light.

Me: I want where the light comes from!

Yahweh: - .

I slowly slid sideways in front of the archways that grew larger and deeper inward. Halfway into the cave, where the archways were between 1.5 and 2 meters high and 1 meter wide and 0.5 meter deep, I tried to turn to see what was behind me that was showing me all this. I didn't manage to turn around, but I discovered that my head was flat and round and had a crown on the outside, and was sitting on a stalk down in a 15 centimeter wide pitch-black cleft 1 meter up the wall.

There were 50-60 beautiful archways in the cave. The brightest and largest were at the end where it turned to the left. The largest archways were 3 meters high, 2 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep, and shone brightly.

The archway cave swung to the left and the walls and ceiling had 30cm wide vertical waves, and the wall behind arched pitch black above me. On the right, 10 meters after the bend, the cave widened to the right and became 10 meters wide. I stopped at the floor next to the back wall in front of two 3 meter high , 2 meter wide and 0.5 meter deep light gray archways without light. When I looked to see where the light was coming from, I discovered a wonderfully luminous archway on the left. The archway was 3.5 meters high and 1 meter deep and had two 2 meter high and 25 centimeter wide luminous archways next to each other in the middle. I wanted to go over to it and take a closer look.

Me: I want to go to the nice archway and take a closer look.

Jahve: You must wait here.

I stood waiting for a long time, and suddenly I was jerked backwards and dragged by the stalk into a narrow crack in the floor and down into the pitch darkness .

* * *



I was dragged 15 meters by the stalk over and under sharp edges, and stopped in a small pitch-dark cave and looked around for light.

Me: It's pitch dark in here! There is no light anywhere!

Yahweh: You must look up!

When I looked up I spotted light on the left side at the end of a 20 meter long narrow steep crack and slid upwards at a 45 degree angle. At the top the crack curved to the left and got wider and continued up 10 meters at a 15 degree angle and I started to slide sideways 1 meter in front of a 5 meter high gray flat wall and the wall behind me curved pitch black above me like a ceiling.

The cave became wider and higher and lit up and 20 meters further up I discovered three giant luminous vertical triangular archways standing in a row one after the other up to the ceiling at 5 meter intervals. The lower sides went 0.5 meters above the floor behind a 15 centimeter wide pitch-black chasm. The vertical sides of the triangle were on the left and the slanted on the right, and the heights were between 12 and 15 metres.

The central triangular archway was the largest and finest. It was 15 meters high, 1.5 meters and 0.5 meters deep and shone brightly. At the bottom in the middle it had a 6 meter high 30 centimeter wide archway with a 1.5 meter high 10 centimeter wide archway inside it. In other words, three archways into the cave wall.

I slowly slipped past the first two triangular archways and stopped at the end in front of the third and least luminous, and stood there looking around.

* * *



Suddenly I started to slide forward, and slowly turned 90 degrees to the left, and almost stopped in the corner before the speed increased. It was just enough for me to see that the last triangular archway merged with a column that went up to the roof and turned 90 degrees to the left through a high opening onto a gray flat floor and continued 50 meters up into the pitch darkness where there emerged a narrow arc with pointed ends . When the arc was 30 centimeters wide in the middle and 50 meters long, it seemed as if I was on the outside of a giant pearl with a diameter of 300 meters. The arc of light grew taller and wider as I slid upwards and began to see the walls and ceiling of a large cavern. At the top I turned 30 degrees to the right10 meters horizontally through a 5 meter high and 15 meter wide opening past a pitch-black vertical wall on the right that resembled a pillar. On the left, the roof curved down behind pitch-black mounds, and discovered that the light was coming from the roof at the end of a 4 meter high cave that I could not see the end of.

* * *



Where the cave was 4 meters high, as it opened out it became lower, I turned to the right towards the light between pitch black 3 meter high piles covered with growths that resembled leafless bushes and heather . I didn't like the dark, and wanted where it shone brightest on the ceiling on the left.

Me: I want where the light shines brightest on the ceiling!

Yahweh: -.

I swerved between the piles, and fell neck-deep into a pitch-black 2-metre-wide pond , and waded forward 50 meters before I reached the end and continued slowly upwards between 2-metre-high piles. The bright light in the ceiling curved down like a wall 100 meters from me on the west side and turned to the right towards a stronger light. I wanted to go where the roof shone the brightest, but slid 10 meters down a steep slope, and stopped on the edge of a cliff in front of a bright cave with a light gray flat floor.

* * *



The floor and ceiling of the cave were 20 meters wide and 30 meters long, and the walls 20 meters high. The roof on the left side curved down like a wall and was separated from the slope by a pitch black edge that swung 1 meter out like an egg along the floor and had a 15 centimeter wide gutter on the underside. Suddenly I discovered a 5 meter high and 3 meter wide curved opening down by the floor into a cave.

Me: I want to investigate the cave!

Yahweh: -.

Yahweh did not answer and I did not move, and when I looked for the light I discovered that it shone brightest on the ceiling behind a black pile that blocked the view.

Me: I want where the light shines brightest on the ceiling!

Yahweh: -.

Suddenly I was turned back, and slid 10 meters up and turned 45 degrees to the left 50 meters up and down between black mounds, and stopped on the edge of a 20 meter high cliff, and looked down at a brightly lit giant cave held up by columns far inward.

* * *



The giant hall was 100 meters wide by 25 meters high and curved down at the sides and was held up by twenty columns. In the middle, where the giant hall was highest, the hall turned to the right behind the pillars towards an intensely bright white light from the right. It was 60 meters to the nearest pillars, and I wanted to go down and into the hall and see where the light was coming from.

Me: I want to enter the giant hall and see where the light is coming from!

Yahweh: - .

Suddenly I was turned and swerved back to the left and slid in a zigzag between black mounds full of bushes and undergrowth, and fell into a 10 meter long and 2 meter wide pitch black bottomless pond .

Finding no hold in the pond, I meandered forward with my head half above water looking for a place to come up and slipped into a crevice at the end, and stopped half way up and rested.

Suddenly I was jerked up, and turned 90 degrees to the left, and slid sideways 5 meters in front of a 0.5 meter high pitch black edge on the right until a pitch black wall that went up to the roof, and from there down a 50 meter long pitch black narrow gorge. At the bottom, the gorge swung to the left and out between two black 20 meter high precipitous mounds and stopped inside a 15 meter long gray promontory which continued 10 meters out onto the floor of the cave, and could only see the light and the floor of the giant hall which continued to the right, because the mound on the left obstructed the view. The floor of the giant hall continued to the right in front of a gray wall that curved towards me behind the mound on the left.

Suddenly I was spun 180 degrees and slid backwards down the headland stopping momentarily 1 meter from the floor before sliding out onto the floor so smooth and flat I thought I was floating and sliding in a circular arc to the left back to the escarpment as I looked at it, and continued sideways to the left in front of the black cliff and 10 meters in front of it and slowly on in front of the gray end wall that curved to the left towards the giant hall.

The end wall was 25 meters high and had 30 centimeter wide vertical waves. Down on the floor, the wall curved 0.5 meters wide onto the floor and had a 15 centimeter wide gutter along the floor, and up on the ceiling there was a 2 meter wide light gray curved transition.

20 meters from the headland I discovered a cluster of 25 beautiful light gray shiny pearls with a diameter between 18 and 20 centimeters hanging 2 meters up on the wall. And 10 meters from it another cluster with 15 beautiful pearls . And 5 meters to the right of it hung two pearl clusters with 5 small gray pearls in each with a diameter of only 3 centimeters.

The small gray pearls made me sad, but when I looked more closely at them I discovered that they were hanging by stalks from cracks in the wall, and sprang to life.

The end wall was 60 meters long and curved in behind a pillar up to the ceiling, creating a 3 meter long wall that lay in the shadow of the light in the giant hall. The speed decreased and I stopped in the darkest place behind the pillar, and stood there for a long time, and grew impatient.

Me: How long am I going to stand here?! I want to enter the giant hall!

Yahweh: Take it easy!

Suddenly I slipped around the column, but not into them, and discovered that the columns were merely partitions between large archways that had smaller archways within them.

The first giant archway was 30 meters wide, 23 meters high and 5 meters deep. In the first half there were three 15 - 20 meter high archways one after the other, while the second half consisted of just one archway.

The first of the three archways was 10 meters high, 1 meter wide and 4 meters deep and curved in behind the pillar where I had been waiting. I slid 5 meters into the archway and examined it and discovered that it ended in a dark pocket at the back of the pillar. On the left side there was a narrow archway with dim light up to the ceiling in front of the second of the three archways.

The second of the three smaller archways glowed dimly. Inside it were two 2 meter wide and 4 meter deep archways that were 10 meters high. In the first of these there was a narrow archway which had a smaller narrow archway within it. So 4 archways into the wall including the giant archway.

The third of the minor arches stronger and was vitreous and without minor arches. The second half of the first giant archway was grey-white and glassy and shone brightest at the end and was 10 meters wide and 23 meters high closest to the dividing wall.

I had to slide in an arc 2.5 meters out onto the floor to get past the partition between the first and second giant archways. The partition wall was 1.5 meters wide and curved 2 meters out at the top and bottom and 20 meters high.

The second giant archway was 23 meters high in the middle and 25 meters wide and 5 meters deep and was divided into three luminous archways. In the first, there were two 15-metre-high archways that stood 2 meters apart. In the middle of the second archway was a 10 meter high and 0.5 meter wide and deep archway up to the roof.

The third of the smaller archways was the widest and had no smaller arches, and shone most brightly, arching into the partition between the second and third giant archways. The partition wall between the second and third giant archways was 22 meters high, 1.4 meters wide and curved 2 meters out at the top and bottom. As I slipped past it I looked to the sides and discovered that the giant hall curved backwards on the sides and thought it was enormously large.

The third of the giant archway was divided into two parts and was 2 meters deep at the end. The first half shone brightly on the right and weaker on the left. and the second half shone as the first half ended, arching gray into the partition between the third and fourth giant archways. I was very disappointed because the third giant archway turned grey, and wanted the last giant archway to be full of glowing archways.

The dividing wall between the giant archways was 17 meters high and 0.5 meters wide and gray and curved 1 meter out at the top and bottom. But I had to slide 2 meters onto the floor to get past it and was very disappointed. The last giant archway was only gray and 17 meters long, 16 meters high and 2 meters deep behind the partition and curved out into the giant hall at the end.

I slipped into the giant archway and examined it thoroughly. The wall behind the pillar was 1.5 meters wide and curved sharply at the corners, and I slid sideways slowly to the left 0.5 meters in front of the archway and looked, wanting to experience something nice soon.

* * *



After I had examined the archways in the giant cave I continued 0.5 meters from the wall through a 10 meters long 10 meters high 5 meters wide gray tunnel that curved to the right which became brighter inwards.

Out of the tunnel I entered a large bright cave and immediately recognized the 15 meter high cliff where I had seen an opening into a cave in the wall. I stretched out as far as I could to see it, and spotted it when I was 3 meters from it.

Me: I want to enter the opening to investigate the cave!

Yahweh: - .

The speed dropped, and I backed up 5 meters 45 degrees at an angle into a 10 meter deep and 5 meter wide gray cave with a dark gray roof, and stopped on the left 5 meters in front of a 10 meter high gray wall. After a while I discovered that the wall was a 0.5 meter deep archway and that the walls had to arch over me like a ceiling. It was as if I was in the middle of the side wall of an archway. Directly behind me, on the right, I could see light, but I did not manage to turn to see what it was, and stood for a long time in the gray archway looking, and grew impatient.

Me: How long do I have to stand here?

Yahweh: - . You have to stand here a while longer.

And after a long while I was thrown around the corner behind me, and caught a glimpse of something pitch-black before I landed in a pitch-black pond, and was dragged down into the darkness by the stalk.

* * *



Down in the pond I was dragged over and under sharp edges in the pitch darkness before I slid backwards up a 3 meter long pitch black soft gorge and turned 90 degrees around a corner to the left and into a wide slide in the wall, and diagonally up the wall.

7 meters up on the wall I got a good overview of the cave . The pond was 1 meter lower than the floor and was round and 2.5 meters in diameter and had a 1 meter high shaggy black border around the sides. The gully I came up was 2 meters wide closest to the pond and continued like a wide chute up the wall and was loose and free, but 7 meters up the slide narrowed and I sank into the wall at the same time as it tightened around me. And 5 meters higher I only had the light opening in the cave which was square and 20 meters high and had 10 meters wide almost flat walls. The cave was grey-white at the bottom and gray at the top and narrowed upwards and the walls curved gray into the ceiling.

Down on the opposite side behind the wall was the cave where I had waited a long time before I was dragged into the pond, and next to the opening I was flung through. I slowly stopped 15 meters up on the wall and stood there for a long time. I looked for an opening I could pass through, but I couldn't see any and discovered that the wall in front of me was a gray archway 5 by 5 meters and 2 meters deep. Nothing happened, and I was afraid I wasn't going anymore.

Me: There is no opening here. Should I stay here?

Yahweh: - .

* * *



Suddenly I began to slide very slowly upwards and was thrown 360 degrees to the left around an edge and was blinded by a bright light and slid horizontally 1 meter and turned 90 degrees to the left in a corner, and from there 2.5 meters horizontally and stopped in the blinding light.

When I got used to the light, I discovered that I was on the back wall of a beautiful glowing silky white ball cave with a diameter of 5 meters. And when I looked over I could see the cave I came from through a 1.5 meter round opening in the wall, and that the partition was 30 centimeters thick.

Suddenly I discovered a 10 centimeter wide V-shaped notch on the right side of the opening, and a 5 centimeter wide gray stripe up to me. It looked as if I had made the strip when I came in. I looked to see if there was such a strip in front of me, and there was none.

Suddenly I began to slide to the left and onto the partition and discovered a round opening and peered into it, and discovered three round openings one after the other into three caves, and wanted to examine them.

Me: I want to investigate the caves!

Yahweh: - .

I slipped through the opening on the left behind the partition wall which was 10 centimeters thick and slowly on the back wall into a silky white ball cave as fine and large as the first one, and saw that the gray strip was following me. I continued to the opening in the partition, and peered in there before sliding in, and saw that it was grey.

The opening to the third cave was so small that I subbed in the edges, and the dividing wall so short that it felt like a small bullet. The cave was gray and dreary and 3 meters in diameter, and the trail followed me. But it was almost impossible to see if there was a track in front of me because the cave was so narrow.

When I looked into the last cave I saw that it was dark and small. The opening was so small that the partition flapped and fluttered as I slid through it, and the partition so short that I did not feel it. The cave was so narrow that I could not turn to see if the track was following me, but discovered that I could still look to the side without moving .

I looked for an opening through which I could advance, and could see none. The only possibility was a dim light in the wall on the left that I could back into and got stuck, unable to get free and needed help.

Me: Help me! Someone has to come help me! I'm stuck and won't come out!

Yahweh: -.

Someone grabbed my head and wiggled and jerked me in so hard I thought the stem would snap. I howled and screamed until I was loose, and was blinded by a bright white light .

* * *



Out of the opening, I slid sideways while I got used to the bright light, and discovered that the track followed me like a 10-meter long tail out of a black hole in the wall, and that there was no stripe in front of me. As the speed increased, the strip shrank and became 3 meters long at the same time that I could not see the hole in the wall, and discovered that I was sliding inside a huge cave with a diameter of 300 meters that looked like a hanging drop of water .

The speed dropped as the drop cave narrowed in at the top and I began to slide backwards upwards. 30 meters up the wall hit the back of my head and pushed it forward with such force that I thought the stem would break, and was jerked and pulled 90 degrees through a narrow crack.

* * *



I was jerked and dragged backwards through a narrow 90 degree crack into a cylinder cave with a diameter of 1 meter. and with dim light in the walls that lay softly around me, and slid backwards 5 meters and I was jerked and pulled through a narrower crack with such force that I thought the stalk would snap off, and began to float in the pitch darkness on the other side .

* * *



When I got used to the pitch darkness, I saw a light in the pitch darkness and wanted to go there. But when I tried, I couldn't find a grip for the movements and was thrown around, and needed someone's help.

Me: Someone has to help me! I'm just floundering around here g can't get to the light.

Jahve: You must bend slowly.

I meandered more slowly, gaining control and moving to the light and pole into something soft. When I investigated what it was I discovered a 0.5 meter thick, 250 meter long gray hairy snake coiled in front of me, and backed up and coiled further upwards.

Higher up, where it was getting dark, I stopped and looked for an opening through which I could go on. I couldn't see any opening, but discovered I was inside a 7 meter wide and 15 meter high cylinder cave, and continued 2 meters up and into a dark funnel and into soft pitch-black tissue , and hit something bone hard and got no further.

* * *



I didn't know what to do and needed help.

Me: Someone has to help me! I've gotten into soft tissue and rods into something hard! I don't know what to do to move forward!

Jahve: You must bend like you did in the cylinder cave!

I meandered as I did in the cylinder cave, but got no further.

Yahweh: You must bend harder!

I meandered harder, and came into a hard funnel and stuck into something hard, and came no further.

Yahweh: You must bend harder, many times!!

I bent harder many times, and pushed myself into a bone-hard funnel.

Then someone grabbed my head and jerked and pulled me through the opening with such force that the wreath around the light opening disappeared , and pulled me up a bright tunnel , faster and faster until it became a sliding movement at the same time as the tunnel widened and became brighter. And 10 meters higher up, where the tunnel turned left and right and became narrower and more horizontal, the tunnel tightened around me and pinned me down before I stopped.

When I looked inside I discovered 5 centimeter wide transverse grooves inwards which I felt when I moved forward and started to slide through gentle turns a light came in the tunnel , and when the tunnel became straighter and the speed accelerated a bright light came 10 meters in front of me in the tunnel as I raced away 250 meters through soft bends.

Suddenly the speed dropped, and the light stopped in front of me and turned light grey . I stopped 0.5 meters from it and slid three times forward and stopped 1 meter inside it.

* * *



I stopped 1 meter into the light gray light, and suddenly moved forward a notch at the same time as a shooting star disappeared to the right from the right edge of my head with a grinding sound. I then moved forward at an increasing pace at the same time as a series of shooting stars disappeared from the light opening with grinding sounds towards and made a black notch up on the right edge of the light opening.

The shooting stars increased in size and I was torn to shreds as the black notch grew larger and I went blind there and lost feeling, crying for help.

Me: Help! Someone has to help me! I am torn to shreds and go blind on my side in the light opening! Help me!

Yahweh: -.

No one helped me, and large parts of the light opening disappeared like shooting stars to the right with grinding cracking sounds. And when I was almost half-blind, and the tunnel turned to the left, I was sure I was going to fall out, and called someone for help.

Me: Help! Someone has to help me! I'm half blind and I'm going to fall out of the tunnel!

Yahweh: - .

Nobody helped me, but the shooting stars stopped when the light opening was split vertically in the middle . And half-blind, and without feeling on the right side of the light opening, I continued towards the right terrified of falling out, and thought it strange that it went well.

But suddenly the white light began to return to the edges at the top and bottom of the light opening as I slowly slid forward. And after 3 meters the entire light opening was back together with the feelings . Then I calmed down and continued in a more spacious and brighter tunnel .

* * *



The spacious and brighter tunnel was without grooves and curved 45 degrees 3 meters upwards before it became straight, but as the speed increased, a blinding white light appeared 10 meters in front of me, illuminating the tunnel. And now that I was only half as big, and the tunnel was straight and without grooves, I slid quickly and frictionlessly.

The light in the tunnel stopped as I continued towards it at great speed, thinking I was going into the light. But 2 meters from the light the speed dropped, and the tunnel turned 90 degrees to the left past the light . And when I passed the light I looked at it and wondered where it was going.

After the bend, the tunnel was straight 5 metres , but sank as it swung to the right and left past two dark gray snakes that crossed the tunnel at an angle, pushing it to the sides at 3 meter intervals.

After the last tube, the tunnel was straight 3 meters and the speed increased, while the tunnel was dark. The dim light in the tunnel came from a 90 degree turn to the right which I slowly slipped through, and straight ahead towards a blinding white light that had stopped 6 meters in front of me in the tunnel .

I slid into the blinding light and stopped 2 meters into it before I was turned a notch to the right and stuck. To then be screwed in another notch and firmly fixed. Then with a violent jerk it turned a third notch to the right, and became stiff as a woodpecker.

* * *



I was as stiff as a woodpecker, but when I got used to the light I discovered sharp shadows growing up down the right edge and I understood that I could look around in the light even if I was stuck.

The pointed shadows slowly grew in a circle and became wider and darker, and when they met up on the left side they were 30 centimeters wide on the right side at the same time as a narrow gray wave grew around the edge.

The blinding white light faded and slid forward like a luminous cloud while the gray circle and wave darkened and blackened and slid backward.

When the luminous cloud had moved 10 meters forward and became 15 meters in diameter, I discovered a wall that curved out to the sides behind it.

The dark gray wall grew out to the sides at the same time as the luminous cloud faded at the edges and slid forward. When the luminous cloud was 30 meters in diameter and had almost stopped 70 meters from me, I understood that a giant ball cave was hidden behind the 100 meter diameter.

The giant ball cave was divided into three parts, including the luminous cloud. The part closest to the cloud was glassy and the part closest to me resembled a gray carpet landscape.

Suddenly I discovered that the wave down on the right side had grown and become darker and 5 meters deep and was getting closer at the same time as the wall around the opening into the giant ball cave had turned black and slid further back. And when I looked at the dark wave I noticed something moving there and looked more closely.

When I looked more closely I discovered that I saw two 30-centimeter-high white round studs with a diameter of 3 centimeters that swayed when I looked at them, and that the carpet landscape consisted of 100-thousands of such studs .

The pins flattened out in a 2 meter circle when I looked at them , and got a roaring tail behind them when I moved my gaze. And the faster I moved my gaze, the longer the tail became, and the louder it roared.

I started playing with the tabs, investigating how much fizzing noise I could make when I moved my gaze quickly. Suddenly it slammed and I felt a hard blow and the pins went stiff and I felt sick.

After a while I tried to move the pins again, and then they wouldn't move. Then I thought I had ruined them and didn't know what to do. But later, when I felt well, and looked at the studs, they settled down in a circle, and had a tail behind them when I moved my gaze around and roared as before. Then I was happy, and vowed never to play with the pegs again.

* * *



While I was playing with the pegs the luminous cloud had shrunk and moved 10 meters forward and faded to a halt 80 meters from me at the same time as the giant ball cave had become darker and clearer.

Suddenly I heard the same beep that I had heard in the pearl cave and looked for the sound, and discovered a cave opening up on the right side in the glassy part of the cave, and wanted to go up to investigate it.

Me: I want to go up and investigate the cave up on the wall!

Yahweh: - .

Suddenly I jerked backwards at the same time as I heard a jerk and a snap that turned into a steady thump and slid backwards up a 40 meter long slide and stopped on a 3 meter wide 2 meter deep shelf level with the lower edge of the opening, and could see the ceiling inside the cave.

The lower edge of the opening curved slightly 50 meters forward and 7 meters up in front. The edges were round and 2 meters wide at the narrowest point below, and 5 meters at the narrowest point at the front, and curved 5 meters out into the roof and back wall, and I wanted to examine the cave.

Me: I want to investigate the cave!

Yahweh: - .

I didn't move, and checked to see if I could slide down the slide, and I discovered that I could slide out of the shelf and down to the bottom and up and down and stop where I wanted, and started playing in the slide.

While I was playing I discovered that the slide had shrunk and become 30 meters long, and that I had to go down to the end of the slide to see the tappet that had slid backwards, and that the shelf had moved higher closer to the center of the cave opening.

When the bright cloud had moved 90 meters forward, it stopped and came towards me. And when the luminous cloud was 60 meters away from me, the luminous cloud had shrunk to 18 meters in diameter and the glassy part had become darker and clearer.

The back wall was almost black as a 25 centimeter high wave built up around the shelf as it moved higher closer to the center of the cave opening. But even if I was moved, I always had that light cloud in the giant ball cave right in front of me when I was on the shelf.

* * *



The giant ball cave was shrinking rapidly and I tried to keep up with everything that was happening. The luminous cloud became paler and the ball pit darker at the same time as the shelf moved higher and closer to the center of the back wall and the slide became shorter, and the partition closer.

When the dividing wall in front was 4 meters wide at its narrowest and the wave around the shelf was 1 meter high and 1.5 meters from me, there was only a narrow opening from the shelf out to the slide at the same time as the wall inside behind the cave opening became brighter.

When the slide was 15 meters long and the shelf was at the height of the middle of the cave opening, I discovered  a white arch sliding forward at the back of the cave opening which grew and became a round luminous white-grey cloud as big as the one in the giant ball cave .

When the slide was 15 meters long and the shelf had moved to the middle of the back wall, I discovered that the caves were the same size, and wanted to investigate the other cave.

Me: I want to go in to investigate in the other cave!

Yahweh: Yes, you will.

Suddenly I swung out of the shelf and slid 20 meters down the slide to the bottom, and looked at the pins that went down and got a tail when I looked at them, and slid up and down the slide before sliding up. The left and right caves were similar, but I didn't like the right cave because it was dark, and I didn't stay there long. The two caves were twin ball caves, just mirrored.

* * *



The Twin Orb Caves began to shrink faster after I investigated the right cave. The light clouds in the left cave and the one in the right cave came closer to each other, and I was very busy following everything that was happening.

The slides were 10 meters long when the wave around the shelf was 0.5 meters high 1 meter from me, at the same time it had moved closer to the ceiling and the luminous clouds had shrunk to 10 meters in diameter. When I looked at the middle partition, I could see the edge of the luminous cloud in the left cave and the light from the white-gray cloud in the left cave at the same time.

The left cloud slid slowly towards the partition wall while the right one slid faster, at the same time as the tappets slid backwards. The bottom edge of the dividing wall was 1 meter wide and 10 meters long and the dividing wall in front 5 meters high and 3 meters wide at its narrowest 10 meters from me when the luminous clouds were 8 meters in diameter 30 meters from me.

When the slides were 5 meters long and the back wall and ceiling were pitch black, I sank 1 meter into the back wall, and the wave around the shelf settled next to me and when the opening to the slide disappeared I was moved higher closer to the middle between the left and right twin ball caves and almost up into the roof, I could see both clouds of light when I looked directly at the center partition.

When the light clouds in the left and right ball caves were 7 meters in diameter and the lower edge of the cave opening 0.5 meters wide at the narrowest and the glassy part of the ball caves had slid 20 meters backwards, it was 25 meters to the clouds, I was moved closer and closer the ceiling .

When the light clouds in the left and right caves were 6.5 meters in diameter and the lower edge of the opening 25 centimeters wide, the lower edge of the opening began to slide rapidly backwards under me. And when the edge in front of the opening was 2 meters wide at its narrowest, the luminous cloud in the left cave had a plumed edge down on the right side, and then on the left side in the one in the right cave. Then they became furry in front and darkened the caves.

When the distance to the furry clouds and the distance between them was 25 metres, the furry luminous clouds were 6 meters in diameter and the edge in the partition wall 6 meters in front of me was 1 meter wide at its narrowest.

The distance to the furry clouds was 20 meters when the edge of the cloud in the left cave dissolved down on the right side and then around the cloud. The same happened in the right cave, but there the edge first dissolved down on the left side. Then the furry clouds completely dissolved and resembled two glassy discs of light with 30 cm high round edges while the caves became even darker and clearer.

When the light discs were 5 meters in diameter 15 meters from me and the distance between them 15 meters, I discovered that the luminous glassy disc in the right cave was moving at great speed and was going to collide with the partition and be destroyed if no one stopped it, and I called for help .

Me: Help! The glowing disc in the right cave will collide with the partition and be destroyed if no one stops it!

Yahweh: -.

No one answered, but the speed decreased and the light disk slowly stopped in the partition, which only got a few waves at the edge where the light disk hit .

Even though I was moved higher and right up under the roof, I always had the glowing disc in the left orb cave right in front of me, and had to look to the right to see into the right cave.

I could see both luminous discs at the same time as the dividing wall in front was 1 meter wide at its narrowest and 3 meters high 3.5 meters from me and the luminous discs 3.5 meters in diameter as the distance between the discs was 10 metres.

I sank 1.5 meters into the back wall at the same time as the wave pressed around me and pinned me under the roof, so that I could not move, at the same time that the gutters disappeared and the distance to the partition in front was 3 metres.

The luminous discs were 3 meters in diameter 7 meters from me and the distance between them 7 meters when the lower edge of the partition and the lower half of the partition in front became sharp as a sword and the caves began to cross each other in the back wall. 

I was moved sideways forward under the roof closer and closer and thought I was going into the right cave when the back walls of the caves crossed over into each other .

The distance between the edges of the discs up to the middle of the partition was 4 meters and the discs 2 meters in diameter 4 meters from me when I felt a tremor and heard a grinding sound in front of me.

When I looked for the sound, I discovered a pitch-black spot with a diameter of 10 centimeters with 10 centimeter long spines that had settled down on the right side in the glassy edge of the luminous disc in the left cave.

While I was looking, a black spot with a grinding sound and 10 centimeter long spines came and settled next to the first one, making the spot twice the size. I looked in the right cave to see if the same thing had happened there. It had, but there was the black spot laid down on the left side.

As I looked, a series of pitch-black spots with spikes appeared that lay close to each other. When the discs were half full of black spots, the size of the spots increased and the light discs quickly became blacker. I looked back and forth between the caves, and discovered that they were getting darker as the spots settled.

When the last grinding spot settled at the very top of the left edge of the left cave, it became dark everywhere . I didn't like the dark, and looked around for light, but it was pitch black everywhere, and I called for help.

Me: Help! It's pitch black in here! Someone has to help me! I want to see light!

Yahweh: - .

No one answered, and time passed, and I did not know what to do, fearing that this was the end of everything.

* * *



No one came to help me. But after a long while I jerked and heard a snap, and looked anxiously for the sound. And then a jerk and a snap followed by a series of jerks and snaps at an increasing pace, - and a pause and three jerks and three snaps at a decreasing pace. And another pause, and two jerks and two clicks before there was silence for a long time.

Suddenly I jerked and heard a snap at the same time as a 1.5 meter long horizontal 5 centimeter high strip of white light beamed towards me , and another jerk and snap and the strip of light curved up in the middle. This was followed by a series of jerks and snaps at the same time as the arc of light grew and became rounder while the jerks and snaps increased in tempo which became a sustained sound and stopped with a jerk and a snap when the opening was spherical 1.5 meters in diameter and full of white light .

I looked into the right cave to see if the same thing had happened there. It had, but the light opening had moved 2 meters closer to the left one. The walls around the light openings were pitch black 1 meter around them and in the space in between. The right light opening continued to approach the left one, and both came closer to me.

When the right light opening was 0.5 meters from the left one, I was sure that the right light opening was going to collide with the left one and that both would be destroyed if no one stopped it, and called for help.

Me: Help! Someone has to stop the right light opening before it collides with the left one and both are destroyed!

Yahweh: -.

No one helped me, and the right light gray light opening turned towards the left one and continued in front of the left one , and slowly stopped at the left edge of the left light opening, turning the chalk white light opening white gray.

The right light opening was 25 centimeters smaller than the left, so that there was a chalk-white eccentric circle around the right edge of the left light opening . But at the same time as I was moved to the right on the back wall and the pitch-black border around the light opening narrowed, the eccentric circle became increasingly narrow.

The pitch-black rim around the light opening disappeared backwards at the same time as the eccentric circle narrowed as I jerked back and forth in the corner and squeezed harder. It didn't stop until the black border around the light opening and the eccentric circle disappeared and the light openings were exactly the same size, so that I only saw a round light opening 1 meter in diameter with light gray light.

* * *



The light opening was left wide open, and I wanted to try to close it myself.

Me: Close the light opening!

Suddenly the knocking and shaking came back, and the light opening slowly closed, making it pitch black, and I wanted back into the light.

Me: Open the light hatch!

The light opening did not open, and I feared I would never see light again, and had to get help.

Me: Someone has to come and help me! It's pitch black in here, and I can't open the light opening!

Yahweh: - .

No one answered, and I despaired. But after a short while I felt a jerk, and heard a snap, and a jerk and another snap, and another jerk and a snap, and the horizontal strip of light appeared and the light opening opened while the jerks and snaps and filled with light . Then I thought I had closed the light opening too much, and decided to close it slowly, and stop it when it was 5 centimeters high.

Me: Close the light opening slowly.

The light opening closed slowly. And when I thought it was 5 centimeters high I told it to stop. The light opening stopped, but the opening was 15 centimeters high. When I now asked it to close one click, the light opening was 10 centimeters high. I then asked the light opening to close a snap, and the light opening closed and became 5 centimeters high and 1 meter long.

When I now asked the light opening to close a little, it closed and it became pitch black in front of me . And when I asked the light aperture to open, it opened with a fainter sound, and became spherical.

I started playing with the light opening, and the snapping and throbbing got weaker each time. I didn't stop playing until I closed and opened it lightning fast, and silently.

* * *



I was lying looking at the light when I felt terrible, excruciating shaking pains under me and closed the light opening and looked down into the darkness to see what the pain was. But when I looked the terrible pains came back even worse.

I yelled at the pain to go away, but the pain just got worse and worse. There came long series of shaking stabbing terrible pains. I shook and trembled in pain and yelled for them to stop. But the pain didn't listen to me and got worse, and then I opened the light opening and shouted for help from someone.

Me: Someone has to help me! There are some terrible stabbing pains here that I can't seem to take away! Help me!

Yahweh: -.

No one came to help me and the pain only got worse. I didn't think I was going to survive, and shouted as loud as I could to someone for help.

Me: Help me!! Someone has to help me!! There is terrible pain here! Help me! Help me! Help me!!

Yahweh: -.

I shouted "help me" three times, but I heard Yahweh shout three times, and thought it was strange and the pain disappeared, and I felt a wonderful warmth flow into me that filled me with inner glory. And I couldn't thank Yahweh enough for taking the terrible stabbing pains away from me.

* * *



Suddenly I felt something move behind me, and heard a hissing sound. I wanted to see what it was and looked back at the top of the light opening .

The sound was like a rushing wind and a trickling stream, and sluices being opened. The sounds came closer and grew louder, but disappeared when I heard the sound of a heavy gate being opened and heavy footsteps coming closer and stopping behind me.

Me: There's someone there!

Yahweh: I am a friend.

Me: Are you the one who made everything I experienced?

Yahweh: - .

Yahweh did not answer, but I recognized the voice.

Me: I heard you came.

Yahweh: You were in trouble, and needed help.

I yes. I couldn't take away the terrible pain. I didn't know what to do.

Yahweh: Will you help me?

I yes. I would love to.

Yahweh: You must remember everything you experience.

I yes! The way I remember everything I've experienced?

Yahweh: Yes. And you must examine everything you experience.

I yes. As I have researched everything I have experienced?

Yahweh: Yes. You must go to the people and tell them that I have heard the people's plea for help, and that I know that the people have come into difficulty, and tell the people that they should continue to live after the bad times they have entered.

Me: Yes, but what are the people?

Jahve: I can't explain it to you now. But you will understand everything eventually.

I yes.

Yahweh: You will be hurt by the people. But no matter what you experience, you should never be afraid. And you should never give up!

Me: Yes - but if I get in as much pain as I did when you had to come and help me then? I couldn't take away the bad pain myself? What should I do then?

Yahweh: You must do what you think is right, and do the best you can. But if you can't take the pain away, you can ask me for help! I am always near you!

Me: Then I'll make it!

Yahweh: When you tell the people that you have spoken to me, the people will begin to help you. And you will win in the end. I will arrange the conditions for you!

I yes. When you help me, I'll make it!

Yahweh: When you have been with the people you must return to me and tell everything you have experienced.

I yes!

Yahweh: I must go now, but I will come back to you later.

Me: Don't go!

Yahweh: I must go now.

Me: Don't leave me!

Yahweh disappeared, and I did not understand what the people were. But I was to understand everything gradually and tell the people what I had promised Yahweh.

* * *



After I spoke to Yahweh I looked into the light and discovered a shadow down on the right side of the light opening that wanted to investigate and turned around and discovered that I was lying on a ledge at the top of a 10 meter long and 7 meter wide drop shaped cave that had a pitch black opening with a diameter of 1 meter in the middle of the bottom.

I wanted to investigate inside the cave and slid down from the shelf, and meandered 2 meters meters into a pitch-black tissue and stuck in something bone-hard, and wanted to go back. But I couldn't turn around and come back, and needed help from Yahweh.

Me: Yahweh, you must help me! I'm stuck in black tissue at the bottom of the cave and can't get out!

Yahweh: Make big and small feelings!

I made big and small feelings, but meandered in the tissue and did not come out, and needed more help.

Me: Yahweh! I did as you said, but I can't get out!

Yahweh: Just make little feelings.

I only made little feelings and backed out, and meandered up to the shelf again and lay down in front of the light again.

Suddenly I was thrown around in the darkness between the paths in the cave and heard loud rattling noises and rattling sounds. I shouted to the walls to stop, but the noise just continued and I needed help from Yahweh.

Me: Yahweh! You have to help me! It's pitch black in here and I'm thrown between the walls and there's some awful shaking banging and rattling noises in here that won't stop!

Jahve: Make large and small pressure sensations!

I made large and small pressure sensations and was thrown between the walls a few times before the throwing turned into faint knocking noises. But the rattling noises continued, and suddenly I heard voices, and thought it was Yahweh speaking to me.

Me: Yahweh! I do not understand what you are saying.

Jahve did not answer, but when I listened I heard that it was not Jahve, and that the voices came from the light in the cave wall, and not behind me. But I did not understand what the rattling and rattling noises and voices were, and I looked forward to understanding it later.

Suddenly it became light and quiet, and then I curled up and lay down on the shelf again and slid down to the bottom. I tried several times, but tumbled to the bottom each time, and looked for the shelf without seeing it. Finally I laid down on the bottom, but it was very painful to lie there, and I needed help from Yahweh.

Me: Yahweh! The shelf I was on is gone! I have tried to lie down there many times, but I slide down to the bottom every time and have to lie on the bottom in the cave, but it is very painful to lie there!

Jahve: Use as little emotion as you can!

I made as little emotion as I could, and felt a delicious striped feeling flow through me. I searched until I found the most delicious striping sensation and lay down in front of the light and enjoyed the delicious striping sensations.

* * *



It could suddenly get pitch black in the cave, but that didn't matter when I could enjoy the striped sensations and listen for voices and sounds, and feel the shaking sounds.

When it was light and quiet as I lay in the light I heard screeching sounds from the cave wall on the right side of the light, and started listening for them too.

When the rattling noises started I could often hear voices and tried to understand what the voices were saying. But they were so low and indistinct that I did not understand a single word. Suddenly the screeching sounds got louder. And when I looked I discovered that the cave wall moved in and out, and that the cave had shrunk and become 6 meters high and 4 meters wide and lighter, and that the black tissue at the bottom which I thought was a tunnel looked like a gray dot .

I heard the loud screeching and gurgling sounds in the cave wall best in the light when it was quiet. I wanted to find out where the sounds were coming from and was quick to look, and I discovered that I could focus and watch movements in the cave wall without turning around.

While I was lying in the light, I became sure that the voices and the rattling noises came from the light, that the sounds of guinea pigs came from the darkness on the right side of the cave wall. But where the rattling noises came from I did not understand and looked forward to understanding.

Suddenly the shaking knocking sounds changed to soft rocking movements that alternated being there for periods. I tried to understand what this was, and thought it to do with the light, because it was often brighter when I felt the soft rocking movements, and looked forward to understanding everything gradually, and liked the soft rocking movements best.

I was lying in the light when I saw a shadow move diagonally from the left over the light and darken the cave. Later, two shadows came obliquely one after the other, making it almost dark in the cave. I did not understand what the shadows were, and consoled myself that I would understand everything later.

I was lying in the dark when I suddenly had trouble turning around, and felt that the strip sensations had become less tickling. When I finally managed to turn to the light, I discovered that the cave had shrunk to 5 meters high and 2.5 meters wide.

I liked to lie in the light and cuddle, and listen for voices and sounds. The voices could last for a long time before they disappeared and could return, and the squeals and the rattling noises became louder and clearer and the rattling sounds louder, and the swings softer and slower.

I lay in the dark as the cave walls pounded against me. I hardly managed to turn to the light to see what it was. The light was dim and flickering and I heard low voices, but I did not understand what the pounding in the cave wall was, or what the voices were saying. And suddenly it became quiet, and dark, and I looked forward to understanding what this was later.

The pounding in the cave wall repeated, but then it was pitch dark in the cave and so cramped that I couldn't turn around to investigate.

* * *



The delicious striping sensations became less and less delicious at the same time as it became difficult to turn towards the light. In the end, I couldn't turn around, and lay in the dark, crying out to Yahweh for help.

Me: Yahweh! I can't turn to face the light! You have to help me!

Yahweh did not answer. But I remembered the small and large pressure sensations that I used when I tried to turn in the pitch-black tissue at the bottom of the cave, and asked them to come back and pressed again, and felt delicious small and large pressure sensations flow through me and turned easily towards the light, and discovered that the cave had shrunk more and become 2 meters high and 1.5 meters wide.

I was lying in the light enjoying myself when I heard a loud clear voice.

Clear voice: Come and see! It kicks in the stomach! Look!

Many voices: Let's see! Where then?

Clear voice: Look there! There! See!

I understood everything the voices said and wanted to hear more, but then the voices became low and indistinct and I could not understand a single word.

Me: Who is talking?

No one answered, and I pressed the cave wall for the voices to return, looking forward to understanding what the voices were.

I often heard low indistinct voices later, but I did not understand a single word of what they said.

I was lying in pitch darkness and wanted to turn to the light, but it was so cramped in the cave that I could not turn with the strong feelings of pressure, and needed help from Yahweh.

Me: Yahweh! I can't turn towards the light with the strong pressure sensations! You have to help me!

Jahve did not answer, and then I decided to try with all the power I had in the pressure sensations, and pressed.

* * *



When I pressed it, I received a series of hard blows in the light opening. And when I tried to turn to see what hit me I got another series of hard blows in the light opening and pushed it as far forward as I could, and saw the light in the cave wall and asked for two hard blows. And then something black came up from the sides in the light opening that hit me twice and felt the blows in the small pressure sensations .

I pushed my head as far forward as I could and asked the little pressure sensations to hit me just once, and saw two black lumps that came up from the sides that hit me in the light opening and slid back at the same time as I felt the sale and movement of the little pressure sensations.

I asked the little pressure sensations to return slowly, and stopped them in front of the light opening and looked at them, asking them to move up and down and to the sides. The little pressure sensations did exactly what I asked them to do. Then I realized that I could see the small pressure sensations.

The small pressure sensations looked like two 15 centimeter diameter black beads at the end of two 1 meter long beads that came up at a 45 degree angle to the sides of the light opening and did what I asked them to do. I wondered why I hadn't seen them before, and looked forward to understanding why later.

* * *



I had turned towards the light without asking for it and savored the small pressure sensations when they were suddenly gone. I asked them to come back and continued to cuddle me, but suddenly they were gone without my asking them to. I wanted to investigate how this could happen and put them in front of me and looked at them while brushing, but suddenly they were gone again without my asking.

Then I decided to pay close attention and continued to enjoy myself while looking at the little pressure sensations. And after a while I discovered that they slid down and out to the sides, at the same time that the light opening began to close without my asking it to.

I asked the light opening not to close and continued to enjoy myself and felt myself getting very tired and then the little pressure sensations slid down to my sides without my asking them to and the light opening closed against my will.

I understood from this that I had not always been awake and watching, and that this was the explanation why much of what I had experienced had happened suddenly.

* * *



I was lying in the light when something hit the back of my left little pressure sensation. When I looked to see what it was, I discovered a dark gray 1 meter long and 10 centimeter thick twisted double snake dangling back and forth in the cave, and wondered why I hadn't seen it before. I told the little pressure sensations to grab the snake and bring it closer to look at it. And when I tried to grab it I pushed it away. But when I tried with only the left small pressure sensation I crouched it, and pulled it to me with the small pressure sensations.

But the double hose was smooth as soap, and slid through the small pressure sensations when I pulled it towards me, and then I felt a delicious tingling sensation flow through me . I searched until I found the most delicious tickling sensation, and could enjoy the double hose and the great pressure sensations at the same time.

* * *



As I enjoyed myself, I thought about the terrible stabbing pain I had in the darkness below me, and wanted to investigate if the pain was still there. If the pain was terrible, I would ask Yahweh to come and take it away, and closed the light opening and asked for some terrible stabbing pain. But I only felt a slight movement under me, but no pain. I begged for a little more pain, but felt only a gaping movement beneath me sliding back. I begged for even more pain and felt a larger gaping motion slide back, but no terrible stabbing pain.

I wanted to find out if the terrible stabbing pain was still there and prayed for all the terrible stabbing pain I had known. And felt a great gaping movement, and a delicious tickling sensation as it slid back where the terrible shaking pains had been. I explored the gaping sensation until I found the most delicious sensation, trying to enjoy the gaping sensation, the twisted hose and the great pressure sensations at the same time. But it was difficult and I only tried the one time.

* * *



I was lying in the dark when I felt a blow on the outside of the left large pressure sensation and asked for the blow to be repeated, but nothing happened. After a while I felt two strokes, and asked for the strokes to be repeated. But nothing happened and then I wanted to turn around to investigate what had hit me, the cave had shrunk and become so narrow that I couldn't turn around, and needed help from Yahweh.

Me: Yahweh! You have to help me! I want to turn around to investigate what is hitting me on the left big pressure sensation, but it's so tight here that I can't turn around!

Yahweh: - .

Jahve did not answer, and I pushed the light opening so far forward that I saw the light in the cave wall and tried to turn more, and discovered many black pearls that moved and felt the movements in the great pressure sensations. I asked the pressure sensations to move up and down, out and in and to the sides and felt all the movements of the large pressure sensations doing exactly as I asked them to. And then I wondered why I hadn't seen the big pressure sensations earlier, and looked forward to understanding everything later.

The two large pressure sensations were two 15 centimeter wide round black beads that came out from under the light opening at 5 centimeter intervals and stuck 30 centimeters forward and continued at 90 degrees 30 centimeters downwards towards the light 3 centimeters wide. At the bottom of the end, two 3 centimeter long beads protruded to each side at a 30 degree angle.

* * *



Suddenly I felt another blow on the outside of the left large pressure sensation and looked down at the large pressure sensations and asked for the blow to be repeated, but nothing happened and I could not see anything new.

But later, when I felt the blow again I was sure there was something there and decided to find out what it was, and bent the light opening further and looked at the great pressure sensations and decided to investigate higher up, and turned more and looked higher up in the cave, and discovered two other large pressure sensations on the left side and told them to move, but they did not move and I felt nothing in my sensations.

I wanted to examine the other two large pressure sensations and told the small pressure sensations to retrieve them, but an invisible wall stopped them. I resolved never to forget this and the other two great pressure sensations, and looked at them carefully before I lay exhausted back in the cave, looking forward to understanding what the other two great pressure sensations were.

* * *



I was lying in pitch darkness when I felt something tickle my back now I shook and heard knocking sounds and tried to turn to see what it was that tickled. I didn't manage to turn around, but when I tried I felt a wonderful tickling sensation behind me and on the sides of the cave. I searched until I found the most delicious ironing wedge feeling, and used the great pressure sensations to slide back and forth in the cave, and listened to the shaking sounds, the voices and sounds, and looked around the cave when there was some light, and didn't care that it it was almost always dark when I could lie down and enjoy myself.

* * *



It was dark when I felt aching pains at the extremes of the great pressure sensations, and asked for the pains to go away, but they only got worse and I needed help from Yahweh.

Me: Yahweh, you must come and help me! I have pain at the extremes in the big pressure sensations, and I can't take them away!

Yahweh: - .

Jahve did not answer, but when I tried to turn to see what the pains were and pulled the great feeling to me the pains disappeared. And later, when I felt the pain, I drew the great pressure sensations to me, and continued to enjoy myself.

And when I had later turned towards the light, without having asked for it, I felt the same aching pains in the small pressure sensations and I saw that they were lying against the cave wall, they pulled them towards me and the pain disappeared in a flash. Then I understood that the pain was coming from the light in the cave wall, and looked forward to understanding what the pain was.

* * *



I was lying in the light without asking for it when I suddenly slipped 0.5 meters under a pitch-black straight edge and pushed myself back to the light. But after a short while I slipped further under the black edge and slipped into the pitch darkness and pressed back, but immediately slipped further into the pitch darkness and felt the cave wall the light opening hit the cave wall, and could not push myself back to the light.

I wanted to examine the cave wall and pressed further in and felt the cave settle around the light opening like a soft tunnel. I didn't like the dark and wanted to return to the light, and for help.

Me: Yahweh you must help me! I've slipped into the pitch darkness of the cave and can't get back to the light!

Yahweh: - .

Jahve did not answer, and I moved further into the tunnel, and felt the cave wall pressing around the small pressure sensations, and heard a low voice.

Low voice: Ahhh. Ahhh.

The twitching continued, and my head was pushed back 30 degrees in a turn to the left and felt the big pressure sensations get plenty of space behind me, and heard the low voice.

Low voice: Ahhh. Ahhh.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a trembling shaking and shook through the bend, and stopped for a while before hearing the trembling shaking and shaking further in the bend and felt the great pressure sensations gain plenty of space in the cave behind me. Then it was quiet for a while before the shaking came back again, and I jolted out of the turn. I was curious as to what the tremors that came and went were, and looked forward to understanding everything later. And suddenly I heard a bright voice.

Bright voice: Now it's happening!

I shook through the bend, and was turned to the left and heard low voices, and saw a light flashing in the darkness in front of a triangular cave opening with bright white light that looked like a triangular star with a 1 meter long pointed thorn up, and two 1 meter long pointed spines to the sides.

I slid towards the cave opening and into the bright light past a 3 meter wide and 10 meter long gray pearl on the left side .

Suddenly I heard loud thundering voices, and when I looked for the sound I saw two white creatures in the light .

Bright voice: I'll take it! It's a boy!

The bright voice came out of a black hole that opened and closed under two black holes on top of a creature that was 8 meters tall and 5 meters wide.

I was lifted up and turned around, and discovered that the cave was square , 70 meters long and 50 meters wide and had square beads on the walls. I had not seen such straight lines since I saw the beams of light on the ceiling of the pearl cave.

Rough voice: Give him to me!

I looked for the sound and saw that the words came out of a black hole that opened and closed under two holes on top of a 10 meter high and 7 meter wide white creature.

Then heard the loud beeping from the pearl cave again and turned to the sound to see where the beeping was coming from. But I couldn't find a place for the pressure sensations on the cave wall and felt stabbing pains until I finally found the cave wall and the pain disappeared, and I discovered that the floor of the cave was flat and full of white and black square beads that stood alternately and had 20 centimeter long sides.

Light voice: Did you lose him?

Rough voice: Yes. He spluttered horribly!

Light voice: Did he do well?

Rough voice: Yes.

Rough voice: He's healthy and fine. You have to hold him tight so you don't lose him! He is so wild!

Bright voice: Yes! Give him to me!

The large creature handed me to the smaller creature and I heard the rattling sounds as I slid through the cave and was laid down on a shelf and turned around and stroked.

Dark Voice: There's one more!!

I was put into something white, and felt the shaking banks when sliding through the cave and into a 5 meter wide, 10 meter long, 30 meter high square cave and placed on a shelf before it got pitch black, and quiet .

Suddenly I recognize the shaking sounds below me, and discover that I slipped through a 30 meter high and 100 meter long and 15 meter wide square grey-white cave with 5 luminous pearls hanging from stalks in the ceiling at 30 meter intervals .

Bright voice: Are you awake then? I'll hold you tight so I won't lose you! You are so wild!

I listen to the words, and look at the black opening that opens and closes under two black spots, and turn left into a square white cave full of square gray-white pearls. The cave is 30 meters high, 70 meters long and 10 meters wide, and has two luminous pearls with stalks in the ceiling.

Bright voice: Be good Mrs. Clementz! Here is the first of your twins! You have to keep a close eye on him, because he is so wild!

Mrs. Clementz: Yes! Come to me with my little boy!

I hear a soft low voice I recognized from the cave and want to turn to look and the cave swirls around and I'm pinned down before I stop and see a white bumpy pearl moving around.

Mrs. Clementz: Come to your mother, my little boy, and you will have your teat!

I look for the sound and see a black opening that opens and closes under two black spots at the top. Mrs Clementz lifts up the duvet and shows two white pearls. Mrs Clementz is 5 meters wide and 10 meters long.

Mrs. Clementz: Put him by the right nipple!

I am laid down next to a round pearl, which bulged 2 meters out and was 3 meters in diameter . Mrs. Clementz strokes me with a bead on the right side of the light opening, and presses me against it.

Mrs. Clementz: Dear little mamma's boy! There must be a God when such delicious creatures are born?

Bright voice: Yes! But take good care of him, Mrs. Clementz. He can spew something terrible! Now I'm going to go get your other boy!

Mrs. Clementz: Here you will have your teat, my little boy! You will get the left breast in front of you! The one in front of the heart.

Mrs. Clementz lifts up the bead, and rubs it under the light opening and feels something enter me, and can't keep the light opening open. When I open the light opening I hear the bright voice again and see the creature coming closer.

Bright voice: Here is your second boy Mrs. Clementz. You've got two healthy and shapely boys!

Mrs. Clementz: My dear boy! There must be a God! It is a miracle that you can have children! Imagine having two delicious boys! Sister, can you put him on the other side! He's going to get my right tit.

The creature drops a 0.5 meter long and 25 centimeter wide white bead down 1 meter from me on Mrs Clementz's right side.

Mrs. Clementz: I thank God for the two healthy boys I have had!

Bright voice: Have you thought of a name for the boys?

Mrs. Clementz: Yes. They will be called Jan and Knut! - I have given some of my children names that have been too difficult for them to say, so they have been given nicknames. And I don't like that!

Bright voice: Yes, the children should have names that are easy to say. So that they don't have to get nicknames! Do you have many children from before Mrs. Clementz?

Mrs Clemenz: Yes, I already have seven children. Four boys and three girls. I am so fond of children. I already have twins. A boy and a girl. This is my second time having twins!

The creature goes to the left in the cave, and suddenly I heard a loud bang , and when I looked for the sound I was blinded by a square white light. I had never seen a square light before, and am very surprised.

Bright voice: Look how beautifully the sun is shining outside Mrs. Clementz! The sky looks completely different now that the war is over and there is peace, and Norway is a free country again! Now it is not Hitler's Germany that decides in Norway anymore!

Mrs Clementz: Yes, it is good that there has been peace. Think of all the innocent children who have been killed in the war!

Bright voice: Yes, it's absolutely terrible!

Mrs. Clementz: I think humans are going to annihilate each other with atomic bombs! I don't understand why God doesn't stop people from fighting. Those who lose wars will always take revenge and start another war!


Bright voice: What happened?!!

Mrs. Clementz: I don't know what that was?!

I did not understand what I said, and am saddened because I failed to tell the creatures that Yahweh had asked me to tell the people that the people should continue to live after the difficult time they have entered.

Bright voice: There will never be any more war now, Mrs. Clementz. Now that the Allies and the Americans have crushed the Germans and the Japanese! - And war is not only bad, I tell you! Great inventions happen when there is war! If it hadn't been for the war, the nitrous oxide you got when you gave birth to your twins wouldn't have been invented! And you had to give birth to them with great pain.

Mrs. Clementz: Yes. - but I don't understand that God wants people to start wars and annihilate each other!

Bright voice: That's not all one understands, Mrs. Clementz.

Mrs. Clementz: No. I don't understand this.

Bright voice: I have to go now Mrs. Clementz, but just call me if there's anything you need.

Mrs. Clementz: Yes, I will.

I look for the creature that disappears through the cave wall that has no opening .

Me: Yahweh! I want to go to the cave wall and investigate how the creature can disappear through the wall when there is no opening there!

Yahweh: - .

Yahweh did not answer, and I did not understand how to approach the wall and examine it. And I was looking forward to understanding everything I was experiencing.

Mrs. Clementz: Come get your tits, you two. My dear delicious boys!

Mrs. Clementz presses the pearl against me, and rubs it under the light opening, and I feel something flow into me and I get tired. I try to keep the light opening open, but I can't and disappear into myself.

Journal printout from Solvang hospital, pages 1 and 2 .


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The Messiah, Jesus Christ's invisible return to the world happened when the Satanists had murdered six million Jews during the Second World War. I was awakened by the Messiah, Jesus Christ and saw light for the first time in Mrs. Gudrun Clementz's womb on March 7, 1945. Five months later, when two atomic bombs exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan on August 6 and 9, 1945, it was foretold about the imminent arrival of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, two months before the due date on November 23, 1945.

The atomic bombs, the sign of the Messiah, Jesus Christ's invisible return spread in the world as described in Matthew 24:27. "For as the lightning goes out from the east and shines even to the west, so it will be when the Son of Man comes".



1. I wake up in the wave cave

2. The pearl cave with the pipe tone and light acid rays in the ceiling

3. The archway cave

4. The triangular arch cave

5. The arc and the giant pearl

6. The triangle arch cave

7. The large cave with an opening in the wall

8. The giant hall

9. The cave I had seen up on the cliff

10. The cave with the slide

11. The four small ball caves

12. The huge drop cave

13. The cylinder cave with soft walls

14. The cylinder cave with the soft serpent

15. The bone-hard opening and tunnel

16. I am torn to shreds and become half-blind

17. I see light around me and become stiff as a woodpecker

18. A giant ball cave emerges

19. The opening in the wall and the slide

20. The two identical bullet caves

21. The twin orb caves are rapidly shrinking and darkening

22. From pitch black to almost white light

23. I am learning to close and open the light aperture lightning fast and silently

24. Terrible pains joy and glory

25. I become prophet and Yahweh's messenger

26. Yahweh teaches me to use the small and the large pressure sensations

27. The cave shrinks and becomes brighter

28. The cave shrinks more and I understand what the voices are saying

29. I detect the small pressure sensations

30. I understand that I am not always awake

31. I find a delicious tickling sensation

32. I find a delicious squirt tickle sensation

33. I discover two great pressure sensations

34. I detect two other major pressure sensations

35. I find a delicious sliding wedge sensation

36. I remove pain from the large and small pressure sensations

37. The surroundings are completely transformed

38. Journal extracts from Solvang hospital

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