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This book is about how I, the Advocate Spirit of Truth, experienced the union of the dead with the Messiah, Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven on Palm Sunday 4 April 2004, the start of the Millennium:
20:1-3: "And I saw an angel come down from heaven with the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He took hold of the serpent, which is the devil and satan and bound him for a thousand years. Then the angel threw him into the bottomless pit , locked up and sealed it, so that he would no longer deceive the people, not until the thousand years had passed. After that he will be released for a short time".
My coming into the world was announced by the Messiah, Jesus Christ in two places in the New Testament:
15: 26-27. "When the Advocate comes, he whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth, then he will testify about me. But you also will testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.
12. 6: 7. "But I tell you the truth: It is best for you that I go away. For if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go away, I can send him to you" .
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I went to bed and fell asleep at half past eleven on Saturday 3 April 2004, and woke up at midnight as I slipped out of a pitch-black crack towards a white square star shining towards me in the pitch darkness.
Out of the crack I was turned 90 degrees to the right in the left corner of a bright cave , and slid sideways down a 15 degree slope to the middle of a 5 meter high, 4 meter wide and 10 meter long cave with a bumpy floor, walls and ceiling towards the star . At the bottom of the slope I slid towards a 1 meter high oval opening 1 meter up on the end wall and thought the opening was too small for me.
But the opening had sheet-thin walls that tore down to the floor when I slid through it. On the outside I stopped 2 meters inside a 2 meter wide dark cave with a gray floor and vertically wavy walls and a dark gray ceiling, and discovered light on the left side and wanted to go there to investigate.
I slid sideways 0.5 meters in front of a 2 meter long wall and around a corner, and continued 3 meters in front of the back wall and turned right in the corner in a cave, and continued 5 meters along the side wall and was turned in the direction of sliding and stopped 5 meters from end wall, and discovered four 2 meter high 25 centimeter wide black cracks in the end wall, and wondered why the cracks were there.
I wanted to examine the cracks, but was turned around and slipped back the way I came, stopping in front of the opening and looking carefully at dark waves in the wall on the left which I thought were cracks.
I then continued towards the star which shone through an opening down by the floor in a 10 meter wide curved pitch black end wall 20 meters from me. The floor sloped 15 degrees down towards a curved 2 meter wide beach where I stopped and discovered a gray wavy floor in front of me made of 30 centimeter high 1 meter wide waves.
I slid out onto the floor, and into the waves that felt like fog to slide through and reached between my navel to my armpits. The opening in the end wall was 2 meters high and 5 meters wide, but halfway down the wall caved in and I hit my head on the ceiling before it closed the opening. On the other side I entered a long dark cave with a curved black roof. Where I came out, the floor was 3 meters wide and the roof curved pitch-black down to the waves.
The cave sloped 5 degrees downwards towards the star and grew larger and brighter. And 30 meters down, where the wave floor was 7 meters wide and the ceiling 5 meters high, I discovered that the square star was not a square of luminous clouds with round tops in front of a blue sky where a sky bridge went up to the middle. And 50 meters down in the cave I saw that the square opening had six luminous clouds with round luminous peaks on each side.
The cave kept getting bigger and brighter, and 85 meters down, where the cave was 12 meters wide and 10 meters high, I discovered a large black stone lying on the waves next to the wall on the right. From the end of the rock there were hundreds of black pebbles at a 15 degree angle in a plow shape on the waves all the way over to the left.
At first I thought that the stones had entered the cave through the cracks in the wall, but it looked as if they had come through the cave wall, and I thought that was strange. I wanted to take a closer look at the big rock, and zigzagged between the pebbles.
The large stone lay at a 15 degree angle with the end into the wall. It looked like it had collided there. The stone had smooth curved sides and was 2 meters long, 1 meter wide and 0.5 meters high. I couldn't understand how the stones could float on the light fog waves. And thought it was strange.
At the same time as I approached the 24 luminous clouds and the blue sky and the sky bridge, the cave became brighter and more square and the waves lower, I saw that the walls of the cave were made of gray storm clouds, and that the twenty-four luminous clouds were the end wall of the cave .
Between 90 and 65 meters from the luminous clouds, the floor became horizontal and the sky bridge descended behind the clouds, and I could see that the clouds were the end wall of the wave cave.
50 meters from the brightened clouds, when the cave 15 meters wide and the walls 15 meters high and the waves 10 centimeters high, I discovered four pitch black 2 meters long and 25 centimeters wide deep cracks in the waves . Two cracks crossed the waves diagonally to the right and two to the left. The cracks looked like the cracks in the wall in the side gutters, and wondered why the cracks were there. I zigzagged between the cracks and came up on a gray glass-hard dented floor 15 meters below and continued 20 meters before stopping on the edge of a 1 meter high and 2 meter long precipice 7 meters from the luminous clouds.
Between the cliff and the glowing clouds was a 5 meter wide 18 meter long chute that resembled a surging river. I slid down from the cliff and out to the center of the wave trough, which was hard, and stopped between the third and fourth luminous cloud.
The clouds were white and flat like sheets of paper. But after a short time shadows appeared on the peaks and the clouds began to look round. The shadows were most obvious in the clouds on the far left, and I slid there and climbed up on a 1 meter high round-topped ledge that crossed the chute from the wave cave and studied two shadows that grew up there.
New shadows kept appearing in the clouds , and I glided back and forth and looked as the clouds acquired round tops and flat gray bodies with 10 centimeter wide vertical wave troughs. Between each cloud body was a 30-centimeter-wide trough with a 3-centimeter-wide shadow at the bottom that separated the twenty-four clouds from each other. I wanted to go up to the shelf in the right corner to look at the shadows that grew from there, but there was no shelf there and discovered that it was lying flat in the wave branch.
After 2 minutes I discovered a 0.5 meter wide gap between the first and third cloud on the left, and that the second cloud had moved forward.
I wanted to investigate how this happened, and looked for movement in the gutter between the clouds without seeing any. But when I lay down in the gutter and looked under the cloud, I discovered 2 millimeters wide and 10 centimeters long coal-black shadows that jumped back and forth as the cloud slid backwards. I wanted to enter the space between the clouds to take a closer look at the black shadows, but was stopped by an invisible wall. When I got up I discovered that every other cloud in the square had slipped backwards, and that the space between the third and fifth clouds in the trough was the largest.
I stood at the corner by the fifth cloud and watched as the fourth cloud slid back into the sky. The floor in the space in between sloped 5 degrees upwards, and the side of the third cloud was flat and had 10 centimeter wide vertical waves like the front.
At the same time as the fourth cloud slipped backwards, I began to see the sky growing downwards in a crack. When the cloud had slid so far back that I could see the sky down to the edge in the space between, I wanted to go there and see.
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I wanted to enter the gap and was moved 3 meters forward in the chute and turned 135 degrees towards the gap. But instead of gliding towards the sky, I glided diagonally to the right corner where the clouds met. When I looked around there and down in the corner I discovered a narrow chasm, and slipped into it and looked down.
The chasm continued down between the space and the cloud which swung back and was 0.5 meters wide and 4 meters long, turning left at the end in front of a blinding cloud front.
On the sides and at the bottom of the gully there were waves 10 centimeters wide, except for 0.5 meters at the bottom in front of the corner under the third cloud in the chute where the floor was flat. There I stopped and discovered that the gap was as high as me, 1 meter and 83 centimeters.
0.5 meters up in the wall where the floor was level there was a 1 meter long 30 centimeter thick curved cloud sausage, and on the right side there were two 1 meter long vertical cracks with sharp edges. Down, 0.5 meters above the floor, two 30 centimeter round gray-white cloud sausages arched out of the wall that crossed each other at the bottom of the canyon, and melted into the cloud that had swung backwards.
I slid over the cloud sausages and around the corner and came to an oval 1.5 meter long by 1 meter wide space with a soapy floor that curved up in front of a 1.5 meter high vertical wing between the cloud that had turned back and the cloud front. Up in the cloud front, in the corner under the third cloud, two vertical 30 centimeter wide and 2 meter long cloud sausages lay curled up . Above the cloud sausages was a torn 30 centimeter wide pitch-black border full of 10 - 15 centimeter long pointed freezers. The edge swung downwards and became sharp, and curved into the cloud front and continued together with the thrust wing 3 meters beyond the cloud front as a 30 centimeter wide 15 centimeter deep chute which had a 2 centimeter wide gray shadow at the bottom and swung downward towards the sky bridge.
I wanted to go out on the sky bridge, and looked for a way to get there. The only way was the narrow chute, and backed into it and fell 3 meters into a pitch-black soft cave. I tried to climb up but moved up and felt something hit me. And when I looked for what it was I discovered straight cracks of light between pitch-black stones, and that it was soft stones that hit me .
On the way up, the rocks tumbled around me until I came out on the cloud front. Out of the chute, I turned to look. The narrow chute resembled a 1 meter wide ditch full of chalk white and pitch black stones with jagged sharp edges, and in the cloud front there were metre-long cracks criss-crossing.
The cloud front was chalk white and smooth and sloped 15 degrees 3 meters down towards the sky bridge. When I looked around I discovered three large black stones that had fallen down the chute. I slid over to the rocks and looked at them. The largest was pitch black and had sharp jagged edges and a flat white side. It was 0.5 meters long, 40 centimeters wide and 30 centimeters high. I tried to turn the stones over to see the back, but I couldn't move them.
I wanted to go out on the sky bridge and tried to get out below the rocks, but I was stopped by an invisible wall, and thought it was strange. I tried several places before I slid to the chute and could continue down. But the chute disappeared into the bottom of a 1 meter deep and 2 meter wide chute between the cloud front and the first bridge cloud in the sky bridge like a T. I didn't think I would be able to get over, but when I tried to jump I floated over and landed on the sky bridge. I then hovered back and forth along the cloud front a few times, trying to get across the chute below the rocks, and was stopped by the invisible wall.
I wanted to see the entire cloud front, but it was so blinding that I couldn't see it. It was only the bottom 3 meters that I could look at. I wanted to investigate how the cloud front and cloud bridge could float in the sky, and slid to the right in front of the cloud front, but was stopped 1 meter from the end. I stretched as far as I could and saw that the cloud front and bridge cloud had round edges with a 10 centimeter wide gray stripe at the bottom and was attached to the sky with a 3 centimeter gray stripe that curved white-gray inward for 1 meter and gradually turned blue.
I wanted to measure how wide the sky bridge was, and whether the sides were equally attached, and slid back to find that the cloud that had slipped backwards had fallen onto the sky bridge and blocked the way.
But when I got closer and tried, I discovered that there was plenty of room for me . But I was stopped 5 meters from the sky, and could not see how the sky bridge and the cloud front were attached to the sky there, but it looked like the sides were attached equally, and calculated the length of the bridge cloud to be 35 meters.
On the way back I discovered that I could see shadows 5 meters up in the cloud front. The clearest shadows were where the cloud body was attached to the cloud front. I wanted to climb up and examine the shadows, but there was no way to cross the chute.
I wanted to see if the cloud top had been damaged when it fell down, and wanted to cross over to other bridge clouds, but I couldn't cross the bridge clouds. I tried many places before I slipped back and tried in the chute where I came down, and was able to cross the bridge cloud there. The bro cloud was a total of 7 meters wide, and I hovered over to the other bro cloud and stopped 5 meters from the cloud top and looked for damage.
The cloud top looked unscathed and had sunk softly into the bridge cloud, which had developed large and small cracks with round edges along the side that extended up to 5 meters outwards before flattening out.
I tried to squeeze under the cloudtop to look there, but was stopped. When I looked at the cracks in the bridge cloud I discovered a 10 meter long chute similar to the one I destroyed in the cloud front which came out below the middle of the cloud top and swung towards the third bridge cloud.
I followed the chute that disappeared down the chute between the second and third bridge clouds like a T, and hovered over and looked around there before continuing along the edge towards the cloud top.
I stopped right in front of the cloud top and discovered that it reached right up to the middle of the chute and blocked the view of the cloud front.
The cloud top looked undamaged, and there were many cracks with round edges in the bridge cloud. The longest crack curved all the way down to the bottom of the chute before flattening out. I wanted to check if the cloud top had damage on the left side and hovered over the chute, but was stopped 2 meters inside the bridge cloud and turned, and slid around the entire cloud top to the back and forward there. But I was stopped after 2 meters. So that there is 1 meter of the cloud top that I could not examine.
I looked to see if there was something I hadn't checked and realized I hadn't checked if the cloud body was damaged where it was attached to the cloud front and slid as close as I could. The cloud body had five 4-6 meter long cracks with round edges on the underside that flattened out at the top of the cloud front, but looked undamaged.
Then I realized that I hadn't checked if the cloud top had damage higher up, and slid back to the third bridge cloud and backed out 2 meters and looked higher up, and discovered that the cloud front had faded and could see a bit of the right side of the cloud front. I wanted to move to the right to see more, but got stuck and tried to pull myself free and floated in an arc up backwards into the sky, and stopped on my stomach 20 meters above the sky bridge and looked down at the cloud that lay on the sky bridge, and thought it looked like a giant bulb.
When I looked forward, I saw straight at the cloud front . The wave cave was pitch black and the edges around the cloud front were 35 meters long. As long as the sky bridge and was made of three rows of different kinds of clouds with round tops, plus four special corner clouds.
In the space where the cloud that was on the sky bridge had stood, I could see a bit of the wave channel, and the channel that I had destroyed on the way down and the stones that had fallen on the cloud front .
The cloud front was separated from the sky by a 1 meter deep inward bent half trough with a gray 10 centimeter wide strip at the bottom and sloping 7 meters into the center of the row of clouds in the wave trough, and the opening between the tops of the twenty-four clouds in the square was 10 meters.
The middle rows of clouds were made of 24 round-topped clouds with wings that covered the joints of those in the wave trough and their own joints. It was such a wing that I destroyed when I made my way through the cloud front.
The nearest row of clouds was made of 11 round cloud tops with straight edges towards the sky and the sky bridge and was 1.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters high, and curved 1 meter into the cloud front and covered the joints of the middle clouds and its own.
But below, where I came out on the sky bridge, there was no cloud. And I thought that was strange.
The four special corner clouds had round tops pointing towards the center of the cloud front. They were 4 meters high from the corner to the tops, and the sides which were 1.5 meters long and covered the joints of the outermost and the middle clouds. There were a total of 71 clouds in the cloud front.
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When I had studied the cloud front I was turned 180 degrees to the right and looked at the sky bridge which arched up far ahead and disappeared into the middle of the blue sky . The first bridge clouds were white, but then they became light grey, grayer and almost black at the top where there was light around a tip at the end. Suddenly I began to float above the nearest bridge clouds. But when the speed increased, I descended and hovered 1 meter above the bridge clouds for 2 kilometers at high speed. The sky bridge looked like a foaming waterfall below me, and I couldn't see the sky.
Suddenly the speed accelerated enormously and I was floating 30 centimeters above the sky bridge 8 kilometers at breakneck speed. The Sky Bridge resembled a striped gray carpet that kept getting darker and darker. Speed dropped as the sky bridge arched upwards, and I began to float horizontally. When I looked up, I saw that the sky bridge curved upwards for 0.5 kilometers and looked like a dark gray pointed spear with a black tip at the top surrounded by a circle of light blue sky.
The sky bridge grew darker and more vertical, and when it was black and vertical I stopped and froze. I looked out of the corners of my eyes for light, and thought I saw a light on the left side.
Suddenly I was pulled up in an arc and floated 200 meters backwards into the sky and stopped in front of a young man with a pointed black head who was sitting in an armchair with black legs in front of the sky. The armchair stood on a square gray cloud with a chalky white top and round edges. The young man was dressed in a whitish robe with a high neck and zip from the waist to the chin.
The arms and hands rested on the armrests, and the little finger of the right hand stuck out to the side. On his lap lay something that looked like a pitch-black book. The legs and feet lay close to the sides of the armchair. The young man looked cheerful and pleasant, and looked straight at me.
When I looked more closely I discovered that he had no eyes, nose or mouth, but a trumpet opening in his face. Then I understood that I was face to face with the Father. The body parts were separated from each other with cloud sausages that made the Father look like a human. The little finger on the right hand was the Messiah, Jesus Christ, God's only begotten son and the book on the lap was the Book of Life. And the cloud on which the throne stood was the cherub who carries the throne, and the blue sky the angels who serve God day and night.
Then I understood that I had come through the realm of the dead to the abyss. And that the big black stone and all the pebbles were Satan the god Lucifer and the demons who will lie bound there for 1000 years, and that the 24 clouds with round tops were the cherubim who guard the Kingdom of Heaven, and that the other cherubim were the souls of those who were beheaded for the name of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
I wanted to see where the light was coming from, and looked for the sun. But there was no sun in the Kingdom of Heaven that shines by itself. I was overwhelmed to see the Father, and wanted to get to the top of the pointed black head and show how happy I was.
Then I was thrown down and landed on the cherub in front of the Father's right foot and slid up onto the feet, and thought they were strange. They resembled white and pitch-black clouds that billowed up behind the cherub and mingled with gray-white clouds that flowed down his legs and in the space between them. I tried to see which way the clouds were drifting, but the clouds were solidified and I couldn't see.
I slid back and forth between the pages and discovered a light gray wave arching up between the throne and the instep on the right side, and discovered a similar one on the left side that wasn't quite as pointed. When I returned I discovered a wave that curved up in the cloud sausage upwards between the throne and the calf.
As I slid closer the cloud sausage gripped me and clamped me down and I began to slide upwards. The cloud sausage was whitish and 30 centimeters wide and bulged 15 centimeters out and had a 2 centimeter wide gray stripe at the bottom on the sides.
At the knee, the cloud sausage swung to the right around the knee, but I wanted to the top of the Father's pointed head and climbed straight up and entered a pitch black 1 meter deep and 0.5 meter wide dented chasm between the throne and the Book of Life. 15 meters up I caught sight of Father's index finger and wanted to see the Messiah, Jesus Christ, but slipped past and rounded the edge of the Book of Life by the thumb, and hovered over it.
When I hovered over the Book of Life, I discovered that it was white a little in front of its belly , and landed on its nose in the middle of the cloud sausage 2 meters up on its belly and slid upwards.
On the way up I couldn't see to the sides and didn't know where I was until I got to the ribcage and my nose came loose and I saw how enormously large the Father's ribcage was.
The chest bulged out like a feathered pigeon and was 15 meters wide and 15 meters long. I was so impressed that I had to look twice and lost my grip, lashing out at the sky. I was sure I was going to fall into the abyss, but collided into something white. I didn't know where I was and thought I wouldn't find my way back.
When I looked around for shadows I spotted a shadow that led me to a cloud sausage, and spotted the cloud sausage down on the chest and slid there and got stuck. When I looked for where I had collided I realized that I had collided on the Father's right cheek, and continued on over the ribcage and up the neck towards the top.
At the top of the neck, I swung 30 degrees to the left under the chin to the hair by the cheek and had to change my grip to the bottom of the chute on the upper side. I got a good hold and climbed over the cloud sausage and stopped 1 meter up and rested.
The edge of the hair ran at a 90 degree angle to the cheek and was 0.5 meters wide made of countless 2 centimeter thick cloud sausages that looked easy to climb in. When I got up to grab the hair I was about to fall back down, and continued up the half chute while I felt for places where I could get up into the hair. And 5 meters up on the cheek where the hair swings towards the middle parting and was 25 centimeters high, I could climb up.
Where I came up in the hair there was a flock of 25 centimeter high beautiful pitch-black wave pearls which I slid in between and stopped for a short while before continuing upwards past three wave pearls that stood in a row towards the sky on the left side 1 meter higher up .
2 meters above the three wave pearls, I passed two wave pearls standing together on top of each other. And 5 meters above them I passed a wave pearl that had a 5 centimeter grey-white pin at the top with a diameter of 3 centimetres. And 3 meters higher I passed two smaller wave pearls 1 meter apart with longer spikes at the tops. The first wave pearl was 15 centimeters high and had a 10 centimeter long peg at the top and the second sam was 10 centimeters high and had a 15 centimeter peg at the top.
At the same time as I passed the wave pearls with spikes at the top, the hair became thinner and I felt the scalp was bone hard. And 2 meters above the last bole bead with a peg at the top, the Father became flint bald. The skull was light gray and bumpy and glassy and smooth. And 2 meters up on the skull there were two 25 centimeter spikes straight out of the skull with 2 meter intervals on which I climbed. When I got up on the top peg there was 1.5 meters to the top and 1 meter to the middle partition, and 0.5 meters to a gutter between the skull and the sky.
It looked easiest to climb to the top in the middle divide. But when I tried and the skull was glass-hard and smooth, I couldn't reach and was about to fall into the abyss for the third time. I wanted to climb back down, but I couldn't keep my balance when I tried. The only option to save life was to climb up into the chute between the skull and the sky, and climb down into the middle divide. When I tried, I got a good grip at the bottom of the half-gutter, and climbed 1 meter up before I hit the sky.
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I had no choice but to climb to the top in the half chute, and grabbed hold and pushed my way up until it blacked out, landing with a thud on my stomach in the pitch darkness. When I looked around for light I discovered two rows of four 10 meter high white horns standing chrome bent and twisted looking at me. It was the most terrifying thing I had ever seen, and I froze in terror. I had come to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit that breathes life into all living things.
The closest horns were the twin brothers Mikael and the new Lucifer. The next pair of twins were Rafael and Gabriel, the third pair of twins Uriel and Sariel, and the last pair of twins Raguel and Remiel.
I wanted to inquire of the Holy Spirit, but when I stood up an icy wind came from behind, and I began to freeze and tremble, wanting to return to the Father. But against my will I slipped into the cave of the Holy Spirit and the icy wind disappeared. Then I calmed down and decided to investigate with the Holy Spirit anyway.
I slid diagonally 2 meters across the floor, which was light gray and hard and dented like the Father's skull, and diagonally across the middle partition which was 30 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters deep and had a 2 centimeter wide gray stripe at the bottom and continued up a 25 meter long slope to the top of a 2 meter high elevation the horns stood on and stopped at the highest point next to the new Lucifer.
Lucifer looked like he had grown up there and had 20cm wide vertical waves around the sides to the top which was round and 1 meter in diameter. New Lucifer leaned 5 degrees out to the side, and the diameter at shoulder height was 3 metres. I wanted to climb to the top, but he was as hard and smooth as the Father's skull, and I could not get hold of him, and gave up after two attempts.
The horns were brightest on the front. Lucifer and Mikael were almost white at the bottom and grey-white at the top. Rafael and Gabriel were grey-white at the bottom and gray at the top. Uriel and Sariel gray at the bottom and almost black at the top, and Raguel and Remiel almost black at the bottom, and the tops of them I could hardly see in the dark.
There were 1 meter deep wave valleys between all pairs of horns inwards. I wanted to examine everyone and slid into the valley of waves behind Lucifer and Gabriel, but was stopped by an invisible wall at the bottom. The valley of waves continued down to the floor on the sides, and I slid down between Lucifer and Gabriel, but was stopped halfway down and had to turn around.
On the way back I tried to get over the middle divide over to Gabriel and Rafael. But even though the center parting was only 15 centimeters wide and 7 centimeters deep, it was impossible to get over it, and I thought that was strange.
On the way back I discovered that the middle divide between Lucifer and Mikael had opened up and that a 30 centimeter wide bridge went over to the other side. The bridge curved 10 centimeters up the middle and looked smooth. But when I tried, it seemed dry and hard, and the center part was pressed so hard that I was only the 2 centimeter wide shadow in the chute that I could see.
I slipped over the bridge and over to Mikael and felt him. He looked like Lucifer, but was bigger and more powerful. I wanted to climb to the top on Mikael, but the waves were wider and bigger, and I gave up after the first attempt. I then slid down into the wave valley between Mikael and Rafael and tried to get in between Rafael and Gabriel and down to the floor, and cross the middle divide and was stopped everywhere. I then slid up the wave valley and back to the gorge behind the bridge, and looked down into it.
The gorge was 0.8 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep and had round stones sloping downwards in the back wall which I climbed down. The walls had 10 centimeter wide vertical waves that curved 5 centimeters out onto the floor, and back like an egg. The bottom was flat and bumpy, and the central parting was 10 centimeters wide and had a 5 centimeter deep trough in the middle with a 2 centimeter wide gray stripe at the bottom.
The gap was 2.5 meters long and sloped 10 degrees down towards the bridge. I stopped in front of the bridge, and discovered that the chasm was as deep as I was tall, 1 meter and 83 centimeters. Under the bridge I discovered a torn round black opening made of strips through which I could see into the gorge ahead. I tried to climb through the opening, but it was far too narrow.
When I had examined the whole gorge I climbed up, and stopped in the middle of the gorge in front of the bridge, and looked down into it. The gap was 2 meters deep and 0.8 meters wide in front of the bridge and 3 meters long and 1.2 meters wide in front. I wondered how I was going to manage to get down, but when I looked down closer to the bridge I discovered round stones down to the floor below the hole which I climbed down. On the way down I stopped and looked through the hole under the bridge to the gorge behind, and thought it was a nice experience.
The floor in the canyon in front of the bridge was dented hard, and the walls had 10 centimeter wide vertical waves that bent 5 centimeters out onto the floor and back like an egg. The central divide was 20 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters deep closest behind the bridge and had a 2 centimeter wide strip at the bottom and became somewhat wider and deeper towards the front.
The gap was 1 meter wide halfway and the end wall 2.5 meters high and divided in the middle by the middle partition. Halfway through, the floor curved 30 degrees downwards and became soapy, and I began to slide towards the end wall.
I was so frightened that I was stiff with fright and barely managed to turn and duck back, and climbed up as fast as I could and darted across the bridge and stopped beside Lucifer, terrified.
When I had calmed down I thought it might be possible to get inside the cave at the back of Lucifer and slid half way down the slope and turned left over two 0.5m high by 2m wide waves that arched into the cave and flattened out 5m out on the side and discovered that the waves had dammed up a white 4 meter wide oval pond around the back of Lucifer.
I slipped onto the pond that felt like velvet to slide on, and stopped 1 meter from Lucifer , and discovered a 1 meter wide and 2 meter deep crack with sharp edges 8 meters up the back. And on both sides of it were smaller narrow cracks. I looked into the large crack and discovered tens of smaller cracks there sharp as ax blades there and inside the smaller cracks. It looked like Lucifer wasn't finished building yet.
I then tried to come up between Lucifer and Gabriel and inward along the horns and out onto the floor, inward, but was stopped. I stood there looking and as I got used to the darkness I could see into the cave on the backs of Gabriel, Sariel and Remiel, looking for white pools and crevices without seeing any, and peering inside to see how big the cave was . And discovered a curved bright horizon far behind, and that the roof curved down behind the horizon.
Suddenly I spotted three white poles on the horizon. The farthest post was 150 meters from me and 5 degrees out from Remiel. The second post was 100 meters from me at 30 degrees out on the floor, and the third at 45 degrees out on the floor 75 meters from me.
As I followed the floor forward, I discovered a post that was only 20 meters away from me right on the underside of Lucifer, and wondered why I hadn't seen it before. I slid over to it, and discovered two large white stones lying next to it on the upper side. The stones were white and had sharp jagged fracture surfaces, and a flat side that shone blue. The blue color was only 5 millimeters wide and faded and the stones turned white 5 centimeters inside. The largest stone was 40 centimeters long, 30 centimeters high and 35 centimeters wide. I tried to turn it over to look at the back, but couldn't move them. And when I wanted to slide behind them to see I was stopped.
The post was almost white, 5 meters high and 40 centimeters in diameter and had 10 centimeter wide waves up the sides and round top and strong roots like a mountain pine that extended up to 2 meters out onto the floor.
Behind the post, the ceiling and floor plunged into the darkness in front of the ceiling. I tried to get down by the post to investigate, but I couldn't get past the post. But when I stretched and looked down I discovered that the floor and ceiling formed a 2 meter wide chasm which narrowed downwards and forwards, and that the post was darker at the back.
When I had examined the right side I wanted to examine the left side and crossed the middle divide, and discovered a 5 meter high light gray post there also in front of a chasm that plunged down between the floor and the ceiling and narrowed forward. But there were no stones by the post, and I thought that was strange.
I slid up to Mikael to see if there were waves and white pond there too. But there the floor was as usual. I tried to come up between Mikael and Rafael, but was stopped and looked for pools and cracks along Rafael, Uriel and Raguel without seeing any. There were three posts on the horizon positioned just like on the right. Everything on the left side was the same as on the right except that there were no waves or white pond and there were stones by the post.
I had seen that it shone brightest on the front at Den Hellige Ånd and could not understand how the pitch-black ceiling could shine. I wanted to know where the light was coming from and slid onto the landing and stopped next to Mikael and looked at the ceiling for light.
But when I looked further down and forward I discovered that the sky wall in the cave glowed grey-blue in an oval 10 meters high and 15 meters wide circle that curved towards the floor 1 meter above the middle partition.
When I looked at the sky wall I discovered the hole I made when I came in, and a pile of stones by the wall, and a rubble over to the right on the floor in the direction of the post.
I slid down to examine the rock pile, but when I crossed the median I discovered two white 10 cm long sharp stones down in it, It looked painful and I stopped to pick them up, but I couldn't lift them. Closer to the rock pile, the stones became larger, and the largest had a flat side that shone blue, like those at the pillar and in the Heavenly Kingdom with the Father.
I stopped on the left side of the rock pile which lay in a semi-circle 2.5 meters from the wall. On the right side, where the rock pile was 0.5 meters high, there were large stones. On the front inside the cave there were some half-sized stones, and on the lower side, where the pile of stones was 1 meter high and the floor collapsed together, there was only some gravel.
Then I thought that the large stones had rolled down into the narrow gorge and perhaps wedged themselves there. I slid forward as far as I dared and stretched out as far as I could and looked down. And at the furthest point where the gorge ended, a 30 centimeter large rock had wedged itself in place. I wanted to check if there were rocks stuck on the right side and slid over there and investigated, but couldn't see any rocks there.
Now I thought it was just the rock pile I hadn't examined, and looked around to see if I had missed something. And discovered a 0.5 meter high pitch-black border in the sky wall around the light that curved 0.5 meters out onto the floor, and 1 meter down into the middle partition and up like an egg above the Father's skull. Down in the middle part it resembled a Y-shaped star with a 30 centimeter large dark gray center with three 2 meter long spines. A tag in the middle partition and two tags that curved up to the floor on each side.
Now I was sure that it was only the pile of stones that I had not examined and was looking forward to coming out to the Father, and I expected to feel the icy wind when I slid up onto the pile of stones, but it was windless, and I thought it was fine. The largest stones were 50 centimeters long, 40 centimeters wide and 30 centimeters thick. and had jagged edges. Some of the largest stones had a flat side that glowed blue. I tried to lift a white stone that was only 3 centimeters long and couldn't, and thought it was strange.
When I had examined the pile of stones I looked forward to coming out to the Father. But first I wanted to make sure I hadn't overlooked anything, and took a round out on the floor and looked around without seeing anything, - except that the horizon shone brighter. And happy to have finished wondering with the Holy Spirit, I slid up the rock pile towards the hole in the sky wall.
As I slid towards the hole I discovered that the wall had meter-long cracks, and wanted to investigate, but when I got to the edge of the hole I was so blinded that I had to back out while I investigated. The sky wall was 30 centimeters thick and flat on both sides, and had sharp jagged fracture surfaces at the edges and meter-long cracks criss-crossing. The blue color was only 5 millimeters thick and faded, turning white 5 centimeters inside, just like the stones inside the Holy Spirit.
When I had finished examining I wanted to see the Holy Spirit for the last time, but then everything was pitch black there. And frozen as I was, I stumbled at the edge, and I didn't know where I stopped outside with the Father.
* * *
I did not know where I stopped outside with the Father, and was terrified of falling into the abyss, and stayed to get used to the light. When I saw the blue sky I looked around for the Father's head, and could not see it. Not until I looked below me and saw the pearls of waves below me, and I fell down.
I threw myself down on the skull, and sank deep inside, and felt the Father's warmth flow through me and fill me with glory. When I got warm, I wanted to examine the Father as carefully as I did the Holy Spirit, and start at the top.
But first I wanted to see how the gray-blue cave wall inside the Holy Spirit looked at the Father, and slid 5 meters down on the skull and looked around the top which was blue everywhere. And I was moved 20 meters into the sky and lay on my back and looked up at Jahve's Holy Aura 20 meters above the top, and noted:
a. Yahweh's Holy Double Aura consists of two circular waves with pointed ends 20 and 15 meters above the top of the Father's head and tilts 3 and 1.5 meters into the sky and has pointed ends into the sky.
b. The circular waves are 5 meters apart. The outer third of a circle measuring 35 metres, and the inner third of a circle measuring 25 metres.
c. Yahweh's holy aura is blue on the upper side and light blue on the front, and gray blue on the lower sides.
* * *
After I had seen the Holy Aura of Yahweh I landed on the skull where I took off and slid up to the top of the Father's head and investigated. The sky and the 15 centimeter deep half-gutter along the skull that I climbed into were pitch black in an arc from where the hair ended and 1 meter above the top and 2 meters down the middle parting, and thought it was strange.
The skull was pitch black in an arc from where the hair stopped and 1 meter down around the sides and 1 meter down the middle parting. Halfway down the middle parting, the pitch black sky arched 1 meter ahead of the skull and bent up around the edge of a 3 centimeter high whitish circle with a diameter of 35 centimeters at the top where the middle parting ended.
On the underside of the white circle, 1 meter down the middle partition, the sides of the middle partition merged together 3 centimeters from the circle and curved up around the edge of each third of the circle up to the sky. Then I understood that the whitish circle was Yahweh's Holy Center, and noted:
a. Yahweh's Holy Center is a curved whitish circle with a diameter of 35 centimeters at the bottom at the top of the middle partition where the Father, heaven and the Holy Spirit meet.
b. The upper edge around Yahweh's Holy Center comes from the pitch-black sky that bends down in the middle part forward above the skull, and becomes whitish where it bends up around the edge of the circle.
c. Beneath the pitch-black sky that curves forward toward Yahweh's holy center, the skull continues into the Holy Spirit.
d. Around Yahweh's Holy Center it resembles a black three-pronged Y with a pitch-black spike down the middle part, and two curving pitch-black spikes up from the middle part to either side around the top of the Father's head.
* * *
I wanted to examine the right side of the Father's head first, and slid down the skull in front of the middle parting, and discovered that the 1 meter deep middle parting around Yahweh's Holy Center curved to become 30 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters deep 2 meters further down where it continued light gray.
I then slid out onto the dented hard glass skull and looked at the spikes I had climbed up on. The studs looked as if they had grown up there, and the skull resembled a triangle that was 7 meters long along the sky up to the top, 6 meters wide from where the hair began to the middle parting, and 3 meters long along the middle parting from Yahweh's Holy Center.
I then slid down to the wavy pearls in the spiked hair and watched as the cloud current billowed up around the upper sides of them and merged on the lower sides. I wanted to see where the cloud stream was coming from and followed it up to the center divide. And 3 meters below Jahve's Holy Center, 2 centimeter wide round pitch-black cloud sausages came up with 5 centimeter spaces to every other side. The cloud sausages increased in number downwards and 0.5 meters further down the center part was pitch-black with cloud sausages.
Between 3 and 9 meters below Jahve's Holy Center, the cloud sausages flooded up from the middle divide in 10 centimeter wide waves. Some cloud sausages stood lifted 30 centimeters up before they landed and some turned halfway and went to the wrong side of the head, others stood twisted and split and swung to different sides. I wanted to know which way the sk-sausages flowed, but I couldn't see because everything was frozen.
The cloud flood decreased by 1 meter from the pan at the same time as the middle part shrank and became 5 centimeters deep and 10 centimeters wide and got a 1 centimeter wide gray stripe at the bottom, and split into 60 degree angles in front of the pan, and merged with the half channels that came up.
Where the middle partition split, individual cloud sausages stood up to 50 centimeters from the middle partition. Some lifted up before they landed and some stood entwined with each other. A cloud sausage curved and went 20 centimeters to the right before turning and landing on the left side. Where the middle parting merged into the forehead and split it looked like a light gray star with a 3 centimeter gray center with three 20 centimeter long gray spines and looked like an inverted Y. One spine up the middle parting and one spine to each side of the forehead.
I then slid to the wave beads with tabs at the tops and examined more closely. Where the cloud flow waved low around the studs, the cloud flow was thin and continued 30 centimeters on the back before merging. Where the cloud flood surged higher, the cloud flow merged closer to the pin. And where the cloud flood flooded over the studs it looked as if the cloud flow had stopped.
I wanted to see how the Father's head came out of the sky and slid up to the top and in front of the half chute down to the shoulder. The sky bent forwards and backwards following the shape of the head like an egg right down to the wave pearls where the head stood straight out of the sky. There I was stopped and couldn't get any further down, and discovered that there were wavy pearls down in my hair.
The wave pearls were 25 centimeters high and stood at 50 centimeter intervals in a diagonal grid pattern in the hair. There were 6 full wave beads across in the top and third rows. In the second row there were 5 full wave pearls plus half a wave pearl at the hairline and half in front of the sky. How it was further down I could not see.
The hairline at the top row of wave beads was 50 centimeters wide and 25 centimeters high and waved around the whole beads and over the half ones. Now there was no more to investigate on the right, and then I wanted to go to the left and investigate.
* * *
I wanted to examine the left side of the head, and slid down the forehead where I reached the hair, and up to the middle parting, and 5 meters down along the forehead on the left side to where the hairline was 25 centimeters high. But it was not possible to get up there, and I continued 5 meters down and tried to get up everywhere, and was stopped 1 meter from the center of the trumpet opening and turned around.
In the middle parting where the hairline was 5 centimeters high was not possible there either, and it seemed strange. And discovered a cloud sausage I hadn't seen before that curved 40 centimeters out of the middle part above the skull and thought that was also strange.
I didn't understand how I was going to manage to get over to the left side to examine, and slipped up the hair again where I came down and away the forehead to the middle parting of the forehead and tried there and up the whole middle parting. And at the top, where the central divide was 2 meters wide and 1 meter deep in front of Jahve's Holy Center, there I could hover over to the left and start investigating.
I slid up to the top and zigzagged down between the sky and the middle divide and examined as thoroughly there as on the right side, and slid down in front of the half chute along the sky down to the wave beads and saw how the head came out, and was stopped before the top wave beads and came no further . I looked down at the pearls, and tried to get down into the forehead from above, but it was not possible and I thought it was strange. But apart from that, and the fact that the wave pearls, the ones with studs at the top and the bare ones were positioned differently at the top, the sides were the same.
When I had examined the left side, I wanted to go down to the ribcage to examine, and tried to cross the median part at the forehead and was stopped. I had to slide all the way to the top and crossed the middle divide in front of Yahweh's Holy Center. Then I discovered that the pitch-black sky curved 0.5 meters lower over the top, and thought it strange, and continued to the wave pearls and from there down in front of the half chute in front of the hair down to the cloud sausage between the cheek and chin and examined it more closely.
The cloud sausage curved pitch-black out of the hair at the cheek and continued whitish towards the chin with half-gutters on the sides. The upper half-enna came from above between the cheek and the hair and continued on the upper side towards the chin and into the hair on the left side. The half chute on the underside came up between the hair and the neck and swung 315 degrees in the direction of the chin and down towards the chest. When I had seen this I climbed over the cloud sausage and changed my grip to the middle of the cloud sausage, and continued to the chin and down the cloud sausage on the neck, and stopped outside on the chest.
* * *
Down on the chest I slid to the hair on the Father's right side and then the half-gutter came down pitch-black along the hair and swung forward in the hollow of the neck in front of the hair towards the cloud sausage that came up between the chest and the upper arm, and merged with it.
The cloud sausage that came up split into two half channels in front of the hairline. One half chute swung towards the shoulder and the other towards the pit of the throat. The half furrows were pitch black closest to the hair and light gray towards the chest and shoulder and neck, and had a 2 centimeter wide stripe at the bottom. I stopped in the pit of the throat and tried to climb up to the cloud sausage in the hair by the cheek, and was stopped 2 meters up and had to slide down.
I wanted to check if the sides were the same, and slid to the left and looked. The half-girdle came down pitch-black behind the hair and curved forward in the hollow of the neck up to the cloud sausage between the upper arm and ribcage there as well, and the half-girdle on the other side continued towards the shoulder. I tried to climb up to the cloud sausage on my cheek in my hair there too, and had to slide down again.
When I had examined both sides of the neck I slid up to the chin to see how the cloud sausage split there and swung to both sides of the chin and merged with the half channels between the sides. In the middle of the chin it resembled a Y-shaped three-pointed grey-white star with three 0.5 meter long gray points emerging from a dark gray 10 centimeter centre. One thorn went down into the cloud sausage on the neck and two went to either side in the cloud sausages under the cheeks.
I wanted to see how the wave pearls waved down the half chute in front of the shoulder, and crossed the cloud sausage on the right, and slid 2 meters over the shoulder and looked into the half chute. The hair waved down the half-gutter, but did not look like wavy pearls. And when I looked up at the hair, I discovered that it was the hair that flowed in waves down behind the shoulder.
I backed up 5 meters on the ribcage and looked up at the hair , and discovered that the bottom wavy pearls were 6 meters up in the hair just outside the cloud sausage on the cheek. 7 of the bottom wave beads had 5 centimeter long studs at the tops. Three wave beads with 5-centimeter-long studded studs stood horizontally, two rows stood vertically, and two stood scattered.
The wave pearls stood in a diagonal grid pattern upwards in the hair and had six full wave pearls in the top, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh row. In the second, fourth, sixth, eighth. tenth and twelfth row there were five whole and across the head two half wave pearls. One into the sky and one into the hairline.
When I had seen the hair up on the Father's right side, I wanted to see the hair up on the left side of the head, and slid over the chest to the left side and looked up at the hair there. The wavy pearls stood in a diagonal grid pattern there too, and there were 5 centimeter long studs at the tops of 7 of the bottom rows, and the hair flowed in 10 centimeter wide waves down behind the half chute at the shoulder. Everything was the same as on the right, except that the wave pearls with pins at the tops were positioned differently.
I continued around the hair on the left and came to a corner between the hair, the sky and the shoulder, and saw how the wave pearls waved out and into the sky above.
When I looked down in the corner by the shoulder I discovered a special corner hook star with three 50 centimeter long spines emerging from a 10 centimeter round gray center. The tag between the hair and the sky was blue and black, the tag between the shoulder and the sky was white and blue, and the tag between the chest and the hair was black and white.
From the corner hook star I continued 5 meters along the shoulder in front of a half chute and saw it bend down around the shoulder and down on the outside. I wanted to see if the half run continued down the outside, but was stopped. I stretched as far as I could to see the outside, but didn't get far enough.
I slid 3 meters down to the upper arm and tried to get on the outside before I was stopped. As I stood there trying to see the Book of Life, but could not see it. I then slid down the cloud sausage between the chest and the upper arm to look at the Book of Life and was stopped in front of the armpit. I stretched as far as I could to see, but I could not see the Book of Life, and that seemed strange to me.
When I had examined the whole left side I slid over to the right side in front of the hair of the corner hook star and looked at the wave beads and the corner hook star, and from there 5 meters over the shoulder and was stopped where the half chute bent on the outside of the shoulder. I stretched as far as I could, and could not see the outside, and looked for the Book of Life. Then slid down onto the cloud sausage between the upper arm and chest to try to see the Book of Life there and was stopped above the armpit. There I reached out extra far, and thought I saw something black. By then I had examined everything I could down on the ribcage and slid back, and 10 meters out on the cloud sausage on the ribcage and noted some measurements:
a. The father's head stands vertically in the sky and is 10 meters wide and 20 meters high from the chin to the top.
b. The hair, face, neck and shoulders are 3 meters from the sky.
c. The father's face is oval and bulges 0.5 meters out between the edges of his hair and is 6 meters wide and 10 meters high.
d. The neck is 6 meters wide and 6 meters high.
e. The chin is 2 meters above the chest.
f. The trumpet opening is 5 meters in diameter, light gray on the outside and pitch black on the inside.
g. The father is 25 meters wide across the shoulders.
h. The father's chest is 15 meters wide and curves 15 meters forward.
* * *
I wanted down on the Book of Life and slid as far forward on the cloud sausage as I dared and bent forward and looked down, and was thrown around and landed on my nose in the middle of the cloud sausage and began to slide slowly down my stomach, and almost stopped when the cloud sausage split and stepped out in a circle and became 0.5 meters wide and got a narrow round edge at the end while I continued slowly down the Father's right side. Between the halves, which were flat at the top, a 2 meter wide wavy trumpet opening with a diameter of 2 meters emerged, which continued as a light gray tunnel with a diameter of 0.5 meters.
I stopped when the opening was round and I wanted to investigate the tunnel and climbed in and stuck in the end wall 1 meter in and thought it was strange and backed out and climbed back and continued down the edge as the half cloud sausages shrank and arched together and became whole , and continued 0.5 meters before it split again and went to each side, and merged with half a cloud sausage on the underside and swung towards the Father's right side, and continued sideways for 5 meters on the stomach of the Book of Life before the nose detached from the cloud sausage , and I could get up.
* * *
I slid in front of my stomach into the corner by my forearm and wanted to investigate why I hadn't seen the Book of Life from the cloud sausages between my upper arms and chest. I stopped in front of the cloud sausage which continued 20 meters upwards, and wanted to climb up to investigate.
I got a good hold of the cloud sausage and climbed 15 meters up, but the cloud sausage became soapy under the armpit and I couldn't get any higher. I tried one more time, but then the cloud sausage was slippery, and I gave up.
I thought it would be possible to get up the left side if I climbed faster and slid there and felt the cloud sausage. It was dry and nice to climb on, and I sped up and climbed as fast as I could, and got a little higher. But the cloud sausage was soapy under the armpit there too, and slid down again and tried twice more. But the cloud sausage got smoother every time, and I was completely exhausted when I gave up.
I wanted to go out to the Book of Life to investigate, but I couldn't turn around. I tried several places before I tried where the nose had come loose from the cloud sausage, and backed on my stomach 5 meters in an arc in the direction of the Father's right side I could get up and turn around. Then discovered that the Book of Life was white a little in front of the stomach, as I had seen when I was hovering above.
The cloud sausage above the Book of Life looked like an inverted T looked like a triangular star with three 10 centimeter gray centers with three gray points. One tag went up and one tag went to each side down. When I looked for the Father's navel I could not see it, and thought it strange.
The Book of Life was pitch black 2 meters on the belly and gray in the corners by the forearms and 6 meters forward before it became pitch black, and the cloud sausage in front of the belly was almost black on the underside and had a gray stripe at the bottom in the gutter on the upper side.
The Book of Life was flat and nice to slide on, and curved down between the forearms. When I slid over the Book of Life I discovered that it was transparent where it was white and I could see 2 meters down into it. It looked like white cloud streaks arching down in front of the belly and coming up pointed in the Book of Life, and black cloud streaks arching down and coming up pointed in front of the belly. I wondered which way the clouds were drifting, but everything was frozen and I couldn't see it.
When I slipped out of the Book of Life, I wanted to read what was written there, and looked for letters and sentences. But I could not see a single letter or sentence. Everything was pitch black.
I slid up my left forearm and discovered that the Book of Life was separated from the Father's white forearm only by the colors. There was no half chute, and I thought that was strange, and I slid forward and tried to look on the outside and was stopped half way forward at the back of the hand.
I then slid up my right arm and examined it. It was only the colors that separated the forearm from the Book of Life there as well. And I couldn't look down on the outside, and was stopped halfway to the back of the hand. As I stood there I looked for the Messiah, Jesus Christ without being able to see him, and that seemed strange to me.
I then slipped out onto Life's Book to see the sky bridge and the sky gate. But the Book of Life was soapy in front of me and I threw myself down and made my way as far forward as I dared and looked down, and saw only the blue sky, and thought I was strange.
Now I thought there was no more to investigate on the Book of Life. But when I looked round I discovered that I had not forgotten to examine the thumbs, and slid to the left one first and saw how it lay bent down around the edge of the Book of Life in front and held it firmly. Then I slid to the right thumb and saw how it held the Book of Life, and stopped where I came up and noted some measurements, wanting to see the Messiah, Jesus Christ:
a. The Book of Life protrudes 55 meters from the corners at the forearms and is 45 meters wide.
b. The Book of Life curves 10 meters down between the forearms and is held firmly under the cloud sausage on the stomach and the thumbs in front.
c. The belly is 40 meters wide and 35 meters high.
d. The upper arms are 30 meters long from the shoulders to the top of the forearms and are 8 meters wide.
e. The forearms are 30 meters long from the hook of the arm to the back of the hand and 8 meters wide.
f. The thumbs are 3 meters wide and 10 meters long.
* * *
I wanted to see the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and moved backwards, and landed in the gap between the Book of Life and the throne and slid 2 meters down to the end of the index finger and up into a half-groove on the front and above the hand, and stopped in the middle of the ring finger and looked out at the Messiah, Jesus Christ who pointed perpendicularly out from the hand. The Messiah, Jesus Christ was 1.7 meters tall closest to the hand, 8 meters long and 1.3 meters high at the end.
Suddenly I rolled to the right on my ring finger and stopped on the throne side under my little finger, and was very surprised. The Messiah, Jesus Christ was only 30 centimeters thick at the hand and 15 centimeters thick at the end.
I slipped under my little finger, and discovered that it bulged 1.3 meters up closest to the throne and 1 meter at the end where there was a gray shadow up in a corner. When I wanted to see how the little finger was attached, I discovered a 15 centimeter wide curved transition around the edge of the throne that continued up into the corner and from there towards heaven.
I slid 4 meters towards the sky, and discovered that there was a light gray roof above me that was 5 millimeters thick and chalky white at the end. and swung perpendicularly 5 meters out before curving back 3 meters, merging with a 0.75 meter high vertical edge that came from the fingertip and curved 0.5 meters up halfway and continued in the direction of the sky. Then I understood that the Messiah, Jesus Christ was not a finger, but a wing.
After 7 meters the wing edge split around a 25 centimeter diameter semicircle and continued for 1 meter as two 25 centimeter wide fringes 25 centimeters apart 1 meter before curving together 1 meter and becoming pointed, meeting at a 5 millimeter point .
At the point where the two fringes met, two new pointed fringes began which widened and curved together sharply after 1 metre. The two fringes resembled an oval loop with pointed ends. There were four pointed loops in a row. I had to look twice, and then the fringes twisted around each other in the sky and became three-dimensional. I was very surprised, and thought that the miracle was a greeting to me from the Messiah, Jesus Christ and the twelve disciples. When I looked more closely, I discovered that there was a 2 centimeter wide opening between the tips of the fringes which continued parallel 2 meters towards the sky, and ended the other way around.
I noted the following goals:
a. The Messiah, Jesus Christ and the twelve disciples is a 15 meter long wing on the Father's right hand which is 1.7 meters high at the hand and 1.3 meters high at the end perpendicularly along the throne.
b. The lower edge of the wing is 30 centimeters thick closest to the throne and 15 centimeters thick at the end. The Messiah, Jesus Christ bulges 1.5 meters up at the throne and 1 meter at the end. The wing is 4 meters wide along the throne and gradually becomes thinner and is 5 millimeters thick at the back where it goes perpendicularly into the sky 5 meters and curves 3 meters backwards and merges with the tip of the wing which continues towards the sky 1 meter and 25 centimeters high and curves up 0 .5 meters by 4 meters and becomes 0.75 meters high by 7 meters long from the tip where the souls of the disciples begin.
c. The wing continues skyward as two 5-millimeter-thick 25-centimeter-high parallel fringes around a 25-centimeter space that closes and opens pointedly five times and ends horizontally 2 meters long.
d. The first fringes are 2 meters long, the next eight 1 meter long, and the last ones start pointed, but after 0.5 meters they become 25 centimeters wide and continue 1.5 meters horizontally and end opposite.
e. The savior Messiah, Jesus Christ is 4 meters wide and 8 meters long and continues 7 meters towards the sky at the far end, and the twelve disciples who are grafted in are together 8 meters long. In total, the Messiah, Jesus Christ and the disciples are 15 meters long.
* * *
After I had seen the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and the disciples, I wanted to examine the Father's left hand, but when I came up to the ring finger I decided to examine it first, and slid up the back of the hand and over the fingers down to the fingertips, noting measurements:
a. The back of the hand is 8 meters wide and 10 meters long.
b. The fingers are round at the top and spread at the ends, and appear chalky white in front of the pitch-black edge of the throne. The finger is between 9 and 10 meters long, and between 2 and 3 meters wide at the top, and is between 1.7 - 2 meters wide at the ends.
c. The fingers are flat on the sides and curve outwards and into the edge of the throne, and only the colors separate them from the throne.
d. The fingertips curve whitish into the edge of the throne, which is pitch black 8 meters down below the fingertips.
e. The throne edge is 8 meters wide
When I had examined the right hand I wanted to examine the left hand and I slipped back and crossed the wave cleft and continued to the left between the fourth and fifth pages of the Book of Life, and crossed the cleft and slid up onto the left hand along the index finger.
The back of the hand was as large and the fingers as long and wide and cracked as on the right side. I stopped in the middle of my ring finger and wanted to roll on the outside of the throne to look at my little finger, but nothing happened. And even though I stretched as far as I could, I couldn't see that there was anything there, and I thought that was strange.
When I had examined the left hand, I slid down the wave chasm towards the cherub that bears the throne and was stopped before the last page of the Book of Life. I tried to get past it, and when I reached out I discovered the front of the Book of Life which curved 5 meters down between the knees and 10 meters on the outside in the waves. Then tried to get on the Book of Life by the thumb and was stopped, and thought it was strange. Then slid back to the right side between the fourth and fifth pages, and noted some measurements:
a. The book of life is 45 meters wide and 12 meters high above the knees where it is narrowest and is made of 1 meter thick pitch-black clouds with round edges that curve 5 meters down between the knees and 10 meters on the outside.
b. The Book of Life is 25 meters high along the wave canyons.
* * *
When I had examined the Book of Life and seen the front I wanted to examine the underside, and slid down the wave cleft to the cloud sausage between the throne and the calf and up around the knee.
But the cloud sausage flattened and disappeared under the Book of Life, and I couldn't push for it. When I looked for an opportunity to move on, I discovered a half-gutter under the last page of the Book of Life and was able to continue around the knee, and into a pitch-black cave that bulged 10 meters in between the calves.
The cave resembled a pitch-black archway with two long spikes around the knees that bit down and forward towards the knees and calves.
I slipped into the cave and looked for the cloud sausage, but it was so dark there that I had to look further down, and found the top part of the cloud sausage and the other further down where they merged.
I wanted to try if it was possible to get around the left knee and down to the cherub on the cloud sausage between the throne, and up the wave trough from below, and cross the cave and slipped around the knee on the front under the last page of the Book of Life, and got no further, and thought that was strange.
On the way back I tried to get down on the cloud sausages in the space between the calves, but was stopped at the knees. I thought it was strange. And when I looked for another possibility, I discovered that the cave curved 3 meters up along the Father's thigh, so that it looked as if He was sitting on a cushion on the throne.
When I had examined the underside of the Book of Life, I slid back and down the cloud sausage between the throne and the calf, and discovered great changes in the feet. The pitch-black and white billow clouds had billowed up behind the cherub rim and mingled at the feet with light gray clouds billowing down from the gray space between the calves and from the calves, and the insteps and ankles were darker. I slid around and looked for movement to see how this happened, but everything seemed to freeze.
I wanted to try if it was possible to get up and around the left knee under the Book of Life, and up the wave cleft on the left side and slipped up, and was stopped under the last page of the Book of Life, and came no further.
Then I tried to get up to the pitch-black cave under the Book of Life on the cloud sausages along the calves and was stopped below the kneecaps,, and tried to cross the space, but it was not possible and I thought it was strange.
When I had examined under the Book of Life, I slid down on the cherub again, and discovered that the white and pitch-black clouds billowed even more strongly behind the edge of the cherub, and that the feet had become flat in front and curved down along the legs of the chair almost halfway to the center of the cherub. and that the throne leg was separated from the throne by a 15 centimeter wide half-gutter which had a 2 centimeter wide strip at the bottom. But below it was only the colors that separated the feet from the cherub, and that the same had happened on the left side.
Now there was no more I could investigate and stopped in the middle of the cherub and noted some measurements:
a. The feet are flat and pitch black and 10 meters high and separated from the throne by 30 centimeter wide cloud sausages with 15 centimeter deep gutters on the sides which have a 2 centimeter wide gray stripe at the bottom.
b. The edges of the throne are light gray and 85 meters high, but 8 meters below the fingertips and upwards they are pitch black
c. The space between the calves was light gray and 60 meters high counted between the top of the cherub and the knees.
e. The cave room under the Book of Life is 10 meters deep and 8 meters wide.
f. The legs are round and 60 meters high, 20 meters wide and whitish 15 meters above the cherub and bulge 3 meters into the cloud sausage at the edges of the throne and 6 meters into the space between the legs.
g. The knees are round 8 meters wide and 10 meters high and whitish.
h. The feet are flat a little in front and 10 meters high and 25 meters wide and curve 15 meters down on the cherub between the sides of the throne.
i. The throne is 65 meters wide and the cherub 90 meters and the edge curves 12.5 meters out around the sides.
j. The cloud sausages between the calves and knees are whitish and 30 centimeters wide and have 2 centimeter wide stripes at the bottom on each side.
* * *
I stopped where I landed, wanting to see the outside of the throne and was jerked sideways around the throne leg, and stopped on the outside of the throne, and discovered that the pitch-black throne leg continued as a straight edge to heaven.
The edge was made of 10 layers of horizontal wave clouds and I wanted to see how it was separated from the throne and slid up and peeked. The 15 centimeter wide half chute that came from the front continued over the can to the sky. And below, only the colors separated the rim from the cherub, as in front.
I then slid to the sky to see if the half chute on the shoulder continued on the outside. It came down, and turned 90 degrees at the corner of the cherub and around the rim, and disappeared on the outside. I wanted to see if it continued down, but was stopped. And though I stretched as far as I could, I could not see the outside.
Down in the corner between the cherub and the pitch-black rim and the sky, I discovered a corner star with three 0.5 meter long pointed thorns emerging from a 10 centimeter round gray centre. The thorn between the cherub and the sky was white and blue, the thorn upwards between the sky and the pitch-black border was black and blue, and the thorn between the cherub and the black border below the throne was white and black, and had a 2 centimeter gray pointed stripe from the center in the middle in the bottom.
I wanted to see what it looked like up between the pitch-black rim and the throne and slid up. Where the edge, the throne and the sky met, it resembled a horizontal T-shaped star with three 0.5 meter long spikes emerging from a 10 centimeter round gray centre. The tag between the throne and the black rim was white and black, the tag down between the sky and the black rim was blue and black, and the tag up white and blue. In the middle of the star was an abrupt 10 centimeter center with pointed 0.5 meter long gray spines with a 2 centimeter wide strip at the bottom. I wanted to go up to the shoulder, but I got no higher and slid down onto the cherub.
Down on the cherub I wanted to see how the Father's arm was separated from the throne, and slid 30 meters forward on the cherub and looked up, but could only go up a few meters, and was moved 25 meters into the sky and lay on my back and looked and discovered that the whole side of the throne consisted of one continuous piece. The father had no arms. And I thought that was strange and landed on the edge of the cherub.
On the edge of the cherub I wanted to see the Messiah, Jesus Christ and the disciples and looked up, but saw only the edge of the throne and the blue sky. I had to back up all the way to heaven to see the Messiah, Jesus Christ, but I could not see his disciples, and was surprised at how small the Messiah, Jesus Christ was compared to the throne.
When I had examined the right side I wanted to examine the left side, and when I slipped past the front I found that changes had taken place there which I wanted to examine later, and continued around the corner to the left side and examined as thoroughly there as on the right side. The only difference on the sides was that the Father had no finger or wing on the left side. There was only a shadow there.
When I had examined the entire left side I slid back to the front and discovered that the feet were flat in front from the throne leg and 1 meter above the center of the cherub. I climbed to my feet and saw that the white and black clouds had blended more closely and that the feet had darkened farther down the ankles and in the space between the calves. I looked for movement in the feet, but everything was as if frozen, and slid down on the cherub and stopped where I landed when I came, wanting to see the cherub under the throne.
* * *
Chapter 16
Suddenly I was yanked backwards around the cherub rim and slid down the front. The chalk white peak ended just where the arch ended and the cherub was light gray and flat in front, but 5 meters down I discovered the cherub was transparent and that there was a dark gray square body with round edges in there that curved pitch black under the throne. Behind the cherub, a gray wall of clouds with a vertical edge towards the sky arched out.
At the same time as I slid down the cloud body became narrower and rounder and brighter, and 60 meters down when the body was 20 meters wide it began to expand and became as dark gray with a pitch black center, and as big as under the throne.
120 meters down I slid under a 20 meter high round ledge and landed on the next cherub. The first thing I wanted was to see if half the chute up on continued down the outside of the cherub, and slid around the corner on the right side of the Father and was stopped 25 meters from the sky and then just see just a 2 meter wide vertical gray wall arching towards the sky and turned blue. I then slid to the left and investigated and was stopped 25 meters from the sky there as well and only saw a 2 meter wide gray rim arching out and turning blue in the sky.
On the left side, I would try if possible to get closer to the sky higher up to see, and glided 25 meters upwards, but did not get closer to the sky. I then slid down and back to the right side and 25 meters up there without getting any closer, and could not see if the 15 centimeter wide half chute continued down.
I slid down and back to the face, and 25 meters up where I came down it to try to look for the half chute through the transparent walls, but I couldn't see the blue sky, even in the far corner. And I thought that was strange. And when I looked into the back of the cherub I discovered that the cloud body curved further into the cherub, and was 10 meters thick and made of layers upon layers of dark clouds.
Down on the cherub again I wanted to examine how the cherubs were fastened together and slid in between them on the front and around the sides. It was dark there, but bright enough for me to see that the cherubim were attached to a five-foot-tall inward-curving pitch-black rim with rounded corners all the way to heaven.
When I had examined how the cherubs were fastened together, I thought there was no more I could examine, but realized that I had not examined whether there was a cloudy body in the cherub below as well, and looked down and discovered that the cherub was gray and opaque, and stopped and wanted to get down on the outside to look inside it.
* * *
Suddenly I slid backwards around the edge and was stopped 10 meters below and peered in, discovering that the cherub was chalk white 10 meters above and below me. I couldn't get down any further, and leaned out as far as I could and looked down. I could not see into the cherub, but I discovered that it was flat and was light gray 50 meters down the side.
I wanted to check if the chalky edge continued to the sky and see if the half chute from the shoulder continued down, and slid around the corner, and saw that the chalky edge continued to the sky. But was stopped after 25 metres, and could not see if the half race continued downhill.
I then slid back around the corners to the left and investigated. The chalky white edge continued to the sky and the cherub was light gray 50 meters down the side, and the sky was gray 2 meters out to the side and turned blue. And I couldn't tell if the half chute up on the shoulder continued down the outside.
When there was no more I could examine on the second cherub under the throne, I wanted to go up to the Father, but I did not find the way and did not come up. But when I finally found the place I came down I could continue up the cherub under the throne.
I glided at great speed, thinking I would have trouble rounding the top, and scouted for the white edge. When I saw the edge I was ready to take it, but the white edge continued, and unprepared I rounded the edge and plunged into the Father's feet to the middle of my stomach. It was pitch dark there, but soft and wiggled me loose and came out, and could get up.
When I came out I discovered that the toes had become even more vertical at the front and curved 5 meters between the throne sides. I scrambled to my feet and looked for movement and thought I saw a twitch but wasn't sure. I then climbed down on the cherub and looked at the hole I had made, wanting to see how the cherubs were attached to the sky bridge.
Suddenly I was lifted up and turned around on my stomach and floated 50 meters into the sky and looked down at 12 cherubs who gradually got lower and curved out towards the sky bridge at the bottom end 500 meters below me. The bottom cherub and the first bridge cloud in the sky bridge were chalky white. The other cherubs were chalk white a little way down on the faces and gray in front of the next cherubs. Then I understood that the chalk white change of the cherubim were the souls of all those who had died in the faith of the Messiah, Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God. Hades was inside the cherubim on the outside of the abyss where Satan, the god Lucifer and the demons were bound and will lie for 1000 years before they attack together with their congregation and are thrown into the sulfur sea in Hell.
At the same time as all the cherubs became lower, they also became chalky white further down the fronts while the gray border shrank and became narrower. I wanted to see the sky bridge all the way to the sky gate, but I couldn't bend my head further back, and only saw the 10-15 nearest bridge clouds. When I had seen this I floated back and landed in the middle of the Book of Life.
I wanted to see the sky bridge and the sky gate and slid on my belly as far forward as I dared and looked down, but saw only the blue sky, and was moved 50 meters out and looked down at the cherubim and the sky bridge that curved butchered far into the sky and ended as a long light gray tip.
But the gate of heaven I could not see even as great as it was. Not even a tiny dot in the sky, and that seemed strange. When I had seen this I was levitated back, and was turned around the land in the middle of the chest and looked around for more to investigate.
* * *
When I looked at the Father's face I was jerked backwards and floated backwards 200 meters into the sky and stopped where I was when I came. Great changes had taken place. Yahweh's double aura, which I had not seen when I arrived, was evident, and the hole in the sky had turned into a small gray dot. But I could not see Yahweh's Holy Center, and found it strange. The Father and all the cherubs were chalk white and 72 beautiful wave pearls were gathered in a diagonal grid pattern on the sides of the head. A total of 144 beautiful pitch-black wave pearls. A pearl of wave for every thousand saints of the twelve tribes of Israel.
The winged Messiah, Jesus Christ the only son of God was evident and the disciples twisted three-dimensionally in the sky . The Book of Life curved 8 meters down between the upper arms and 3 meters on the outside of the thighs. The edges of the front of the throne were light gray under the fingers and between the calves which were light gray to the ankles. The feet arched 2 meters down between the sides of the throne, and pitch-black clouds mingled around the calves.
Suddenly I hovered in an arc to the left and looked at Yahweh 45 degrees from the right. The hole in the sky was almost invisible. The Father and the Cherubim were chalky white down the sides, and the Father and the Holy Spirit's Holy Dual Aura was clear, but Yahweh's Holy Center I could not see. The Book of Life and the Messiah, Jesus Christ was clear. But the disciples I could not see against the chalk-white throne. The black border below the throne was horizontal, and the 5 meter wide gray border on the side between the sky and the cherubim continued 2 meters wide downwards.
When I had seen Yahweh from the left side, I floated back past the front to the left side and looked at Yahweh 45 degrees from the right . Everything was as on the right, except that the hole in the sky was almost invisible, and that the Father did not have a finger or a wing on his left hand.
Then I floated back and stopped before Yahweh, and discovered new changes. The father was as chalk white as the cherubim and the hole in the sky was gone, and the Book of Life bowed 5 meters down between his forearms. And the pitch-black border between the cherub and the throne went horizontally around the legs and into the space between them. The Father had no feet and the throne stood on a stool on top of the cherub who carries the throne.
The cloud sausages between the throne sides and legs arched up and split in the corner above the stool and merged with the half gutters above the stool. The other half-grooves curved around the calves and merged in the space between them. What I thought were feet was the stool under the throne where the Father has gathered his son the Messiah, Jesus Christ his enemies before they are to be released and unite with their leader, Satan the god Lucifer and the demons and be defeated at Armageddon, and cast into the abyss that then shall be cast into the burning lake of brimstone where the Satanists shall weep and gnash their teeth and be tormented night and day for all eternity. Then I understood that the Father was one of the greatest of all the angels in the Kingdom of Heaven, and that the eight cracks I had seen on the road to the Gate of Heaven were traces of the Father's thumbs, forefingers, middle and ring fingers when He threw Satan the god Lucifer into the abyss with His hands. Seeing this I floated back and landed on Father's chalky chest, looking to see if there was more to investigate.
* * *
When I looked at the trumpet opening I realized that I hadn't looked into it, and slipped the cloud sausage onto my neck. But in the chin I realized that I had not investigated whether the Father had ears, and slipped to the left side and 1 meter into the hair and looked for the ear without finding it, and I realized that I had not tried if it was possible to come around the trumpet opening from below, and slid 4 meters upwards before I was stopped and slid back. So that there is 1 meter around the trumpet opening that I have not examined. I then slid down under the trumpet opening across the chin and up into the hair on the right side and looked for the ear there without finding it. The father had no eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms, feet or ears, and I thought that was incredible.
I paused on the cheek where I had collided and looked for more to examine before deciding to slide up and down around the trumpet opening. I slid so close that I could see 3-4 meters of the wall on the opposite side and back, and discovered that the trumpet opening was 15 meters in diameter and twice as big as I thought and laid down on the edge and peered inside. The trumpet opening was made of 20-centimeter-wide clouds that swirled into the darkness. I didn't like the dark and didn't want to go in to investigate. But against my will I took off from the edge and floated inward and stopped in the semi-darkness 7 meters in and lay across the opening and measured the diameter. It was exactly as big as I was tall, 1 meter and 83 centimeters.
As I got used to the darkness, I discovered that the trumpet opening continued as a tunnel with a diameter of 0.5 meters and wanted to investigate it, and soared in. But then it got pitch dark in the tunnel and I wanted out . But then the tunnel tightened around me with such force that I became stiff as a woodpecker, and moved 5 meters inwards. I lay for a while in the tunnel before it slowly released its grip at the same time that I came out and became myself again, and opened my eyes and sat on the edge of the bed and turned on the light, and looked at the clock. The time was four seconds and four minutes past four on Palm Sunday 4 April 2004, or 04. 04.04 04. 04. 04. Six fours in a row. The number 4 is the number of the world and the number 6 is the number of people.
I was overwhelmed and had to tell the people that I had witnessed the marriage of the Lamb, and that the Messiah, Jesus Christ had told me that he had heard the people's prayer for help, and knew that the people had come into trouble, and would continue to live by it the bad time they have entered, as I promised the Messiah, Jesus Christ when I spoke to him in the womb of my mother, Mrs. Gudrun Clementz, when the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945.
The Messiah, Jesus Christ and his heavenly and earthly church have ruled the world since the marriage of the Lamb on the night of Palm Sunday, April 4, 2004. But Satan's earthly church does not know this, and fights against the temporary paradise soon to be revealed on earth, and makes difficult for everyone some year as it is written in the New Testament.
Matthew 7:21-23. "Not everyone who says to me: "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my heavenly Father. Many will say to me on that day: "Lord, Lord! Have we not prophesied in your name, cast out evil spirits in your name, and done many mighty works in your name"? Then I will tell them plainly "I never knew you. Away from me, you workers of iniquity!
In John's Revelation chapter 22:10-11, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, says to John: "Then he said to me, Do not put a seal to the prophetic words in this book! For the time is near. Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong and let the unclean continue in his uncleanness! Let the righteous continue to do what is right, and the holy continue in sanctification".
And in chapter 20:5-8 the Messiah, Jesus Christ says to John: "Behold I make all things new". And he added: "Write it down, for these are true and trustworthy words". 6. Then he said to me: "This is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give the thirsty to drink from the fountain with the water of life as a gift. 7. He who overcomes will inherit this, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. 8. But the cowardly, the unbelieving, and the profane, those who murder and practice adultery and sorcery, idolaters and all liars, their place shall be in the lake of fire with fire and brimstone where they will be tormented night and day for all eternity. That is the second death".
I wish everyone who believes the Messiah, Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God, happiness with eternal victory over Satan, the god Lucifer and his satanic church. The victory will be celebrated with a large feast in Jerusalem, where rich hearty dishes and old clarified wine will be served. Isaiah 25:1-8. Hallelujah! Amen
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1. The square star
2. The cloud front and the sky bridge
3. Yahweh on the Throne
4. The Holy Spirit
5. Yahweh's holy aura
6. Yahweh's Holy Center
7. Right side up on the Father's head
8. The left side up on the Father's head
9. Down on the chest
10. The father's navel
11. Down on the Book of Life
12. The Savior of the Jews and the Christians, the Messiah, Jesus Christ
13. The Father's hands and the cover of the Book of Life
14. Under the Book of Life
15. On the outside of the Throne
16. The cherubim, the cloud bridge and the cloud front
17. On the outside of the next cherub
18. Yahweh, the God of the Jews and the Christians seen from the front and from the sides
19. The Trumpet Opening